Narcissism : What are the Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Prevention?

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The term “Narcissism” is often used to describe someone who is overly self-focused and lacks empathy for others. However, someone who displays narcissistic traits may be diagnosed with a mental disorder known as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). People with NPD often have an excessive need for admiration and attention, a lack of empathy for others, an exaggerated sense of their own importance, and difficulty maintaining healthy relationships.

A personality disorder can have a profound effect on an individual’s thoughts, behaviors and relationships with others. It is characterized by significant impairments in personality functioning and the presence of unhealthy personality traits. These can lead to a range of social and emotional difficulties, and can interfere with an individual’s ability to cope with everyday life.

Is Narcissism a Personality Disorder?

As a matter of fact, at times, all of us exhibit narcissistic characteristics. However, when tendencies go too far, they can lead to a personality disorder that impairs one’s ability to interact and operate in everyday life.

On the surface, those with NPD present an air of assurance, need admiration, and rarely display sympathy for others. Nevertheless, beneath this self-assurance lies a fragile self-esteem that needs constant approval, as well as emotions of despondency or powerlessness and a lack of ability to form enduring connections.

The term “narcissism” comes from Greek mythology and is derived from the name of Narcissus, who was the son of a god and infatuated with his own reflection in a spring.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is the clinical manifestation of narcissism, an enduring and pathological pattern that can cause distress and dysfunction.

Someone diagnosed with narcissism often displays a set of traits that suggest they view themselves as superior, such as:

1) A strong need for admiration
2) Believing they have the potential to be exceptionally successful
3) Not tolerating criticism well
4) An inflated sense of their own importance.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your own superiority or grandiose ideas about yourself? If so, it’s time to reach out to a mental health professional for treatment so you can start living your best life. Talking to a professional can help you gain a better understanding of yourself and work on strategies to manage your thoughts and emotions.

Studies have distinguished between grandiose and vulnerable narcissism as two distinct manifestations of the same phenomenon. Grandiose narcissism is characterized by a sense of superiority, entitlement, and a craving for admiration and attention. Vulnerable narcissism, on the other hand, is marked by hypersensitivity to criticism and rejection, as well as a fear of failure and the inability to trust others. Both manifestations are driven by a need for approval and admiration, but manifest in different ways.

What are the Symptoms of Narcissism?

Not all people diagnosed with narcissism will have the same symptoms, but there are certain signs and feelings that may indicate the presence of narcissism. Some of the common signs of narcissism include:

  • An inflated sense of one’s own value or importance.
  • The notion that others are envious of one’s accomplishments or possessions.
  • A need for excessive admiration and attention,
  • Difficulty empathizing with and understanding the feelings of others,
  • An inability to take responsibility for one’s own actions,
  • An excessive need for control,
  • An expectation of special treatment,
  • An unwillingness to recognize the rights and needs of others, and
  • A tendency to become easily frustrated or angry when challenged.

People with narcissism often have difficulty accepting criticism, which can lead to strained work and personal relationships. Moreover, they can be unwilling to discuss or even acknowledge any weaknesses or flaws, making it difficult to foster meaningful connections or resolve conflicts. When faced with criticism or failure, those with narcissism may respond with anger, defensiveness, or even aggression. It’s important to understand these behaviors and come up with strategies to effectively manage them.

Symptoms such as becoming easily angered or impatient when not receiving special treatment, reacting with rage and contempt to make oneself seem superior, having difficulty regulating emotions and behavior, and feeling depressed if falling short of one’s own expectations can all significantly impact an individual’s ability to connect with others and function effectively. Additionally, individuals may experience secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability, and humiliation that can make it difficult to cope with everyday life.

What are the Causes and Risks Involved with Narcissism?

The exact cause of narcissism is still unclear, but it is likely a combination of several factors, including environmental, genetic, and neurobiological factors.

Environmentally, too much adoration or criticism received early in life from parents or other figures may be contributing factors. Genetically, certain traits may be passed down from generation to generation. Neurobiologically, certain areas of the brain may be wired differently in individuals with narcissistic tendencies.

Overall, it is important to recognize that no single factor is responsible for narcissistic behaviour. Instead, a combination of factors may contribute to the development of this personality type.

Narcissism is more common in men than women, and can often start during teenage years or early adulthood. However, it’s important to understand that children can display narcissistic behaviors, but this is more likely to be an indication of their age and stage of development, rather than a sign of an underlying disorder.

It’s normal for very young children to be narcissistic, believing that their small accomplishments are major and that they are the center of the universe. This age-appropriate narcissism should be indulged by parents, but as children get older, it becomes increasingly important to help them recognize other people’s feelings and accomplishments.

Ultimately, the narcissistic behavior displayed in a child’s early years doesn’t necessarily mean that the individual will go on to display narcissistic behavior later in life. With the right guidance and support, children can learn to recognize and appreciate the feelings and accomplishments of others.

How Is Narcissism Diagnosed?

There are no lab tests available to definitively diagnose narcissism. The diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder is made based on a combination of factors, including:

  1. An in-depth psychological evaluation by a qualified mental health professional
  2. An assessment of criteria for diagnosis based on the latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association. A careful evaluation of any individual suspected of having Narcissistic Personality Disorder is essential for proper diagnosis and treatment.

People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) have a grandiose sense of self-importance, are preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love, and believe that they are special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions). They require excessive admiration, have a sense of entitlement, are interpersonally exploitative (taking advantage of others to achieve their own ends), lack empathy, are often envious of others or believe that others are envious of them, and show arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes. All these criteria need to be present for a diagnosis of NPD in the DSM-5.

A diagnosis of narcissism requires that these personality traits persist over a significant period of time, remain consistent across various contexts, are not typical for the individual’s age or cultural and societal norms, and are not caused by the use of drugs, alcohol, or any other medication.

Prognosis of Narcissism

Living with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) can be difficult, but with the right kind of help, those affected can learn to manage their symptoms and develop healthier, more fulfilling relationships. The outcome of treatment will depend on a person’s individual experience, including the severity of their condition, any other mental health issues they may have, and how well they respond to treatment.

With the right support, people living with NPD can learn to adjust their thinking and behaviors, leading to a more positive quality of life and improved relationships.

Duration of Narcissism Personality Disorder

Many people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) experience symptoms for most of their lives, beginning in adolescence or early adulthood. But recent research offers encouraging data on this topic.

In a study published in 2019, investigators analyzed nearly 750 people over 64 years, from age 13 to 77, to determine how narcissism changes with age. The study revealed that the qualities typically associated with narcissism declined with age. This encouraging data indicates that, while coping with NPD may be challenging, there is hope for a brighter future.

Treatment and Medication Options for Narcissism

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a serious mental health condition that can cause a range of negative effects. Luckily, effective treatment is available through psychotherapy and, in some cases, medication.

Psychotherapy is the primary form of treatment for NPD, and it can help individuals learn to relate to others in a more compassionate and positive way. Depending on the severity of the condition, therapy can be a powerful tool to help those with NPD gain skills such as: recognizing and accepting what they can and can’t do, understanding and regulating their feelings and self-esteem, and pursuing goals that are achievable. For more severe cases, medication may also be prescribed to help manage related symptoms such as anxiety or depression.

No matter the severity of an individual’s NPD, psychotherapy offers a way to learn beneficial emotional skills and gain insight into their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. With the right treatment, those with NPD can learn to better handle criticism or failures, and foster healthier relationships with others.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can be an effective tool for those suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). CBT focuses on strategies to help change harmful and unhelpful thoughts and behavior patterns.

Through CBT, those with NPD can identify and replace negative beliefs and behaviors with positive, healthy ones. Additionally, psychotherapy can help individuals with NPD to better manage strong reactions and emotions that may arise during treatment.

Unfortunately, some with NPD may initially resist or find it difficult to stick to a treatment plan. This is especially true when those with NPD feel exposed and their inadequacies are revealed, as there is a risk for further aggression and antisocial behavior.

Therefore, managing NPD can take a long time and ultimately, it is up to the individual to make the commitment to treatment. With the right support, CBT can be a powerful tool in helping those with NPD to live a happier, healthier life.

How to Prevent Narcissism Personality Disorder?

While there’s no guarantee that any one measure can prevent Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) from developing, there are some steps that may help reduce the risk. For parents in particular, it’s important to get early treatment for any mental health issues in children, participate in family therapy sessions, and attend parenting classes (if applicable). These measures may help improve the outcome for those at risk of developing NPD.

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