How To Use Turmeric for Diabetes Treatment?

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Turmeric is an indigenous diabetic-friendly spice. In this article we will discuss how you can use turmeric for diabetes treatment and keep it under control with simple lifestyle changes.

Diabetes is characterized by a condition that indicates excess amounts of sugar in the blood. It happens in the form of type-1 diabetes, type-2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. What you consume has a close link to the blood glucose levels in the body. Foods that are low in carbs and high in fiber are recommended in diabetes.

Turmeric has a vital component “curcumin” that is known for its anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial effects. It fights inflammation and reduces blood glucose levels in the body. The inclusion of this herb in the diet is also effective in the prevention of other diabetes-related problems like cataracts and nerve damage. This article talks about how turmeric can be effective in the management of diabetes.

Role Of Turmeric in Our Cuisine and Medicines

Turmeric has been a staple food in Asian cuisine. It has been extensively used in many medicinal formulations in ‘Ayurveda‘. It has got a worldwide reputation as a therapeutic ingredient. It is yellow or orange in color. Turmeric is touted for its antioxidant properties that help fight inflammation, and infection in the body. It is used in medicines that aim at boosting digestion and curing cancer-causing cells in the body.

It is often used to improve digestion and liver functions and ease pain from arthritis. The health advantages of turmeric stem from the presence of its active chemical named curcumin. It is known for its important signaling pathways.

This component exhibits an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant property that helps in the cure of Alzheimer’s, depression, allergies, heart disease, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis. Diabetes is an irreversible disease that is characterized by high blood glucose levels in the body due to inadequate amounts of insulin in the body.

Benefits Of Turmeric for Diabetes Treatment

Turmeric is an incredible spice to boost skin health and strengthen the immune system. Several studies in the past have examined the role of this healing spice in the management of diabetes.  The volatile oils present in turmeric inhibits glucosidase enzymes that are associated with type-2 diabetes in the body. Here are some of the ways by which turmeric helps cure diabetes.

1. Fights Strongly Against Free Radicals

The presence of antioxidants assists in fighting against free radicals that are the reason for oxidative damage in the body. These behaviors activate cell dysfunction that may increase the chances of severe ailments including diabetes. These antioxidants scavenge destructive free radicals and remove toxicity from them. In this way, it helps stave off a wide range of ailments in the body.

2. Help With Glucose Management In The Blood

Type 2 diabetes is a single ailment tied to oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. Oxidative stress plays a key role in causing insulin resistance in the body. It makes the cells incapable to absorb the sugar from the food and produce energy to perform vital functions in the body.

This causes sugar to remain in the blood. When this condition prolongs for some time, then it leads to excess deposition of sugar in the blood. Thus, oxidative stress leads to an imbalance of sugar levels in the blood.

Curcumin is a potent antioxidant ad anti-inflammatory compound that may reduce fasting blood glucose, and insulin sensitivity in a person. This, in turn, prevents weight gain in diabetes. Regular intake of curcumin helps reduce blood sugar, inflammation, and oxidative stress in the body.

3. Stimulates insulin production

Turmeric extract helps stabilize blood glucose levels and makes diabetes more controllable. It is beneficial in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes that is caused due to the lack or absence of insulin production in the body.

The dysfunction of beta cells causes insulin resistance to develop in the body. Curcumin in the spice helps enhance the operation of beta cells in the body. These cells aid in the production of the insulin hormone that transports glucose to different cells in the body.

Ways In Which You Can Include Turmeric In The Diet

1. Turmeric Milk

Turmeric can be relished in several ways. Turmeric milk is one of the favorite go-to beverages among Indians since time immemorial. This soothing think helps reduce body pain and enhance immunity levels in the body.

Drinking it regularly keeps blood glucose levels within limits. It has been seen that consuming high-fat milk lowers the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by one-fifth. Diabetic are prone to bone fractures and drinking turmeric milk makes their bones strong. However, consume the drink in moderate amounts otherwise it may enhance blood sugar levels in the body.

Diabetics should not add sweetener to this drink as it can increase blood sugar levels in the body. Add a pinch of turmeric powder in a glass of milk and drink it daily in the morning.

2. Turmeric and Aloe Concoction

This is a widely used Ayurveda remedy to regulate blood sugar levels in the body. Mix half a tsp bay leaf powder, one-fourth tsp turmeric, and one tbsp of aloe vera gel. Consume this mixture two times a day preferably before meals.

3. Turmeric Tea

  • Make a mixture of ginger, turmeric, black pepper, cardamom, and cloves.
  • Add this mixture in one cup of milk. Simmer on medium heat for three minutes.
  • Strain it into a cup. Your turmeric tea is ready.
  • Relish it hot.

4. Turmeric Coconut Drink

This is a rich and creamy delight that tastes awesome. It is prepared by adding a pinch of turmeric in unsweetened coconut milk. You can also use almond milk in place of coconut milk.

5. Spice Up Your Chicken Broth with Turmeric

Give an anti-inflammatory boost to your bone-broth by adding turmeric powder along with fresh vegetables like cabbage, parsley, and leeks into it. Your dish will get a nice yellowish color and flavor too.

6. Make Your Tofu More Flavorful and Colorful

Tofu is a rich source of fiber, carbs, protein, and calories. It is bland in taste. To make it a diabetes-friendly food, you can add this spice to the seasoning mix that comprises of cumin, powdered ginger, chili powder, and cayenne. It will give a nutritional punch to your boring Tofu.

7. Turmeric And Ginger

Ginger powder helps lower fasting blood sugar in the body. This is a very beneficial herb that inhibits hepatic phosphorylase. This is an enzyme that works by breaking down glucose storage in the body.

Ginger also prevents cardiac illnesses that are linked to diabetes. Taking it along with turmeric in the morning keeps your blood glucose levels within control.

Ginger shows blood-thinning properties, so if you are on blood-thinning medication that you should eat it with caution. It is a good practice to always consult with your doctor before you incorporate this remedy in your diet.

8. Turmeric And Honey

Honey is exceptional in the cure of diabetes. People who suffer from this ailment generally suffer from slow healing of wounds. Soaking the dressing in honey before applying them to the wounds accelerates the healing process. This ingredient is also found to lower cholesterol levels in the body, however, its excess consumption can lead to an increase in blood glucose levels in the body.

Honey can also impact the body weight and blood fats of diabetics. Honey shows desirable action on Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. It boosts the production of insulin hormone and reduces blood sugar levels in the body. One of the best ways to use this combination is by adding honey and turmeric in your milk or your food preparations. However, as honey is rich in calories you should practice portion control when consuming it.

9. Consume Turmeric Root Extract

Turmeric extract contains curcumin that lowers the excess amounts of free fatty acids that interfere with the ability of the cells to obtain glucose. This extract enhances the function of the cells, that stays in the liver.

This action of turmeric helps in dealing with diabetes. The turmeric root extract is easily available in the form of capsules in pharmacy stores. Consult with the doctor to determine the right dosage of the extract for consumption.

10. Turmeric and Black Pepper

One of the serious and the commonest effect of diabetes is the impairment of blood vessels. This magical herb has got a phytochemical named Piperine that along with the curcumin keeps the blood vessels healthy.

The oil derived from black pepper prevents type 2 diabetes and hypertension in the body. It hinders enzymes that disintegrate starch into glucose. The beneficial antioxidants present in black pepper stabilizes blood glucose levels in the body.

To reap the benefits of these ingredients, add a little black pepper to one glass of turmeric milk. Drink it daily in the morning. Alternatively, you can add black pepper and turmeric to your curries, gravies, and more.

11. Turmeric and Cinnamon

Cinnamon is another potent spice that is famed for its anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory attributes. It makes it a good supplement to manage diabetes. Studies conducted on the effects of cinnamon shows that it can lower blood glucose levels by around 25%. It stimulates insulin levels in the body and reduces cholesterol in diabetics.

Taking cinnamon and turmeric together reduces insulin hormone and triglycerides levels. Cinnamon, has a phytochemical called cinnamaldehyde, which brings down blood glucose to healthy levels.

Consuming one to six grams of cinnamon for three months successfully reduces the blood sugar levels. It is a safe remedy for type 2 diabetics to and eases the symptoms and keep the disease at bay.

As high amounts of cinnamon can harm the liver, you should limit its intake. Also, people who suffer from liver disorders should avoid this remedy. Add a pinch of cinnamon and half a tsp of turmeric to your meals. You can even mix them and add them to a glass of milk. Drink this anti-diabetic drink daily in the mornings.

12. Turmeric And Amla

Amla, also called Indian Gooseberry is a conventional remedy to control high blood glucose levels in the body. It has a mineral called chromium that regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body. It makes the cells of your body more receptive to insulin.

Gooseberry also exhibits remarkable anti-diabetic attributes in a person. It lowers blood sugar in diabetes patients. This fruit is helpful to manage cholesterol levels in diabetics and control the ailment to a good extent. Add a pinch of turmeric in two tablespoons of Amla juice to keep blood glucose levels in check.

What Are The Side Effects Of Turmeric?

Turmeric proves to be a very healthy spice until it is consumed in admissible amounts. When you repeatedly consume it beyond the recommended limits, it can lead to different types of discomforts in the body.  These includes:

  • nausea
  • diarrhea
  • indigestion
  • liver issues

People who have gallbladder ailments, should not consume turmeric as it can worsen the condition.

To be at a safer side, you should ensure that the daily consumption of curcumin should not exceed 4 grams daily.

Things You Need To Know When Including Turmeric In Your Diet

Turmeric has been a prominent component in the conventional eastern medicine system. It has become a wonder spice throughout the world.

  • Always read the label of the supplement package and go through the instructions carefully. It is a good practice to check with the doctor about the permissible dosage of the herb for your case. Starting low and gradually increasing the dose is a safe way to get benefits devoid of adverse effects.
  • Turmeric may worsen anemia or improve urinary oxalate levels in the body.
  • People who have had kidney stones should use turmeric with caution.
  • It is also possible that turmeric might lead to the development of allergies in the body. A few people may lack the much-needed ability to digest in the body. In these cases, it is advised to begin with a low dose.
  • As far as possible, consume turmeric in fresh form. Do not buy it in bulk as the spice loses its efficacy as the time passes.
  • Cooking with turmeric takes away some portion of its nutrition. So, the level of medicinal benefits that you get from cooking is lower than what you get from its extract /supplement.
  • Studies have shown that when you pair turmeric with oil or healthy fat, then its effectiveness increases manifolds. It helps in the better absorption of curcumin in the body.


The presence of curcumin in turmeric makes it a beneficial ingredient to manage diabetes. It remarkably reduces the glucose levels in the body. Use it in raw form or in the form of supplement, this spice has the potential to control diabetes.

When incorporated in your regular regimen, it will improve the other conditions linked to it such as weight gain, impaired vision, etc. Consult with the doctor to determine the best way to incorporate this healthy herb in the diet. He will assess your medical profile and evaluate the benefits and hazards to give you the best outcome.

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2 thoughts on “How To Use Turmeric for Diabetes Treatment?”

  1. I am diabetic for the past many years and now I want to manage it using lifestyle and organic medicines. So I am incorporating many herbs and green veggies in my daily diet. Among Can you please tell me which is better for diabetes turmeric or cinnamon?

    • Hi Nitin, Both turmeric and cinnamon have unique benefits for the body. Turmeric, when taken at doses of 500-1000 mg per day, has been known to reduce pain levels and inflammation. On the other hand, cinnamon has been shown to effectively lower blood sugar levels. Since diabetes is considered an inflammatory condition by medical professionals, incorporating both cinnamon and turmeric into one’s diet can be advantageous.


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