Symptoms of Poor Digestive System Which You Must Not Ignore!

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We all are familiar with the terms bloating, gas, heaviness in stomach, abdominal pain, nausea, etc. which are all the effects of a bad digestive system. The digestive system if one of the most important systems which keep the body alive and energetic! The food we consume turns into energy and all the essential nutrients our body requires, are absorbed. Food plays a vital role in strengthening the digestive system as several foods are easy to digest and can help your body clean while some foods are slow to digest! In this article, we will know the symptoms of poor digestive system.

Most of us are simply unconscious about the diet we consume and thus grab all the junk food and foods with less nutrition which leads to digestive issues. Your regular eating habits and many factors contribute in your digestive system health! Here are some symptoms of poor digestive system.

Symptoms of Poor Digestive System

Symptoms of Poor Digestive System

1. Your Breath Stinks

  • Bad breath is a very common digestive issue sign which we ignore. This is a sign which is related to our digestive system.
  • The junk food we eat stays longer in the digestive system and does not get digested quickly. This undigested food in the system causes bad breath. If you constantly face this issue and your breath smells bad all the time, you surely must go for a checkup!
  • The bacteria in your mouth produces odor and live on the food you eat. If you have digestion issues, the breath would small bad and pungent.
  • Thus, if you face this problem even after flossing, brushing and various treatments, these are the symptoms of poor digestive system.

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2. You Have Body Odor

  • Bad digestion and slow digestive processes can generate bad odor due to which your certain body areas can smell bad.
  • The bad smell reflects poor digestion, low absorption of nutrients, bad food habits and all the factors which can lead to indigestion.
  • Body odor sometimes reflect bad hygiene and effect of undigested foods
  • The protein in our body requires more hard work from our body get digested. High metabolic ratios can support protein digestion and if your digestive system is not working properly, the food would not get digested and would develop a strong body odor.

3. You Suffer From Heartburn And Acid Reflux

  • Heartburn or acid reflux is a feeling in which burning sensation is felt nearby the chest area.
  • The fatty foods, oily foods and foods which take more time to digest can cause heartburn and make you feel immensely uncomfortable.
  • Over eating and indigested food can cause the stomach juices and acids to move in the incorrect direction
  • Due to this, the food acids would turn up in the wrong direction causing heartburn and acid reflux
  • Due to indigestion and overeating, your stomach gets jammed up and is not able to allow the food acids to get in the digestive system and thus, these juices make you feel a burning sensation!

4. You Face Gas And Bloating After An Hour Of Eating

  • Soon after you consume the food, it gets in to the digestive system and gets included in the process of digestion.
  • If you have digestive system issues, these foods would not enter the digestive system as there is a lot of undigested food in your system
  • This makes the gastric and food juices move in the wrong way and within an hour of eating, you would feel gas or bloated
  • Your stomach won’t have more space to accommodate food as the previous foods are undigested and this causes bloating.

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5. You Have Stomach Pain On Constant Basis

  • Stomach pain is simply related to gas and bloating. The feeling of pain and tightness in the stomach after eating or throughout the night is of of the common symptoms of poor digestive system.
  • The stomach pain caused due to digestive system issues is also known as dyspepsia.
  • It is commonly supported by nausea, abdominal pain, bloating, acid reflux such similar conditions.
  • Your gastrointestinal track is stuffed up due to indigested food and thus it releases the gases which can cause pain in your abdomen and stomach.
  • Thus, if you feel pain in the stomach or abdominal area constantly, go for a check-up and medicine as it can be due to indigestion.

6. You are Suffering From Anemia Since Long

  • Anemia is the result of iron deficiency in our body which can cause some harmful disease if not diagnosed and treated on the early basis.
  • This condition is simply related to our gastrointestinal tract which is prominent in absorbing nutrients for from the food.
  • Due to digestive issues, your gastrointestinal tract becomes weak and thus, the nutrients which must be absorbed by the body are no absorbed.
  • The lack of iron can thus cause anemia if the digestive system does not get repaired soon.

7. You Have Brittle Nails And Hair

  • Our entire body and all the organs in the body require nourishment and nutrition to perform all the processes.
  • Just like the entire body, the nails and hair too require calcium and other essential minerals to grow and stay strong.
  • While you have digestive issues, your intestines and nutrient absorbing organs become weak.
  • Due to this improper functioning of your digestive system, the nutrients in food are not absorbed and food is indigested.
  • If your body does not absorb minerals form the food, your hair and nail would become brittle and unhealthy.
  • Thus, this is a prominent sign which shows lack of proper digestion.

8. You Have Face Acne

  • Your digestive system and skin are correlated in different ways.
  • The nutrients which are absorbed from the food also are beneficial in nourishing and feeding the skin.
  • If you have digestive issues, the nutrients won’t get absorbed and your skin would show the signs like acne, pimples, flakiness etc.
  • The undigested food and the acids would cause greasiness and acne over the skin.
  • Your skin reflects your hygiene and acne surely states digestive issues which you must get diagnosed.

9. You Suffer From Food Allergies

  • Digestive enzymes help in digestion of food but if you are facing digestive issues, your digestive system gets clogged due to huge amount of food.
  • This food can make you allergenic and intolerant towards food and you may get affected with food allergies.
  • The undigested food lying in your digestive system can develop reactions and problems if you eat more food and thus, you may develop food allergies.
  • Thus if you suffer from all the indigestion signs along with food allergies, you must consult a doctor to protect your body from further harm.

10. You Are Suffering From Constant Constipation

  • Constipation is one of the significant signs of digestive issues.
  • The food if not digested properly can cause bowel irritation and issues like constipation and upset stomach.
  • The juices and acids from the gastrointestinal tract make the stool smooth and easy to pass. If you eat a lot of junk food which does not consist of adequate fibers, your stool would get stiff and result into constipation.
  • Also blood in pooping is a sign which must not be ignored.
  • Constipation along with stomach ache and bloating is a pure sign of digestive system issues which you need to consider seriously to avoid further issues.

11. You Suffer From Sudden Weight Gain Or Loss

  • Sudden or constant weight gain/loss can be the symptoms of poor digestive system.
  • The food you eat gets converted into energy and your body absorbs the essential nutrients for performing all the necessary bodily functions.
  • The undigested food does not get converted into energy and can result into weight gain or loss.
  • Due to digestive system issues, ascites, a buildup of fluid can get stocked up in your abdomen which can cause extreme weight gain or loss.
  • Thus a lot of jammed and undigested food can cause unwanted weight gain or loss.

12. You are Suffering From Arthritis

  • Arthritis is a condition in which the person suffers from pain and inflammation over the joints.
  • Due to digestion issues, the body gets vitally affected and causes inflammation over the joints.
  • It is found that digestion issues is one of the strong reasons for arthritis and can cause swelling and pain in the joints.
  • Thus if you are suffering from arthritis, you need to check on your digestive system.
  • Diagnose the reason and causes of arthritis one of which can also be digestion issues.

13. You Feel Sleepiness After Meals

  • Feeling sleepy and drowsy after heavy meals are also symptoms of poor digestive system..
  • The food gets into the system which already is clogged due to lots of indigested food and thus is not able to process more food.
  • Eating heavy foods can cause the blood sugar levels to rise which ends up into low energy levels and you feel sleepy.
  • The digestive system tries to process the food which is already in the body along with the food you consumed which utilizes lots of energy and make you feel tired, drowsy and energy less.
  • If you face his issue on regular basis, your digestive system definitely requires a checkup!

14. You Suffer From Vitamin B12 Deficiency

  • Are you having thick, red and dark tongue? This can be a sign of vitamin b12 deficiency.
  • Poor digestion makes the body undernourished as the ability of the body to absorb nutrients from the food we consume is banished
  • Poor absorption of nutrients would cause severe deficiencies like iron deficiency, vitamin b 12 deficiency which can lead to various dangerous disease
  • Thus if you are suffering from such nutrient and mineral deficiencies, the result can be poor digestion.

These are some important and prominent symptoms of poor digestive system which you must not ignore. Along with little harms, these signs can also result into dangerous disease and illnesses which are tough to battle. Thus, if you are suffering from any of these signs, go for a digestive system checkup and avoid any extreme condition.

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