Ways To Treat Hair Dye Allergies At Home Naturally!

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You may be quite excited to get a new hair color. But before you get your hair treated, you need to know that a majority of brands contain damaging ingredients that can cause hazardous impact on your hair. That is the reason, it is important to get a hair dye allergy test before starting the hair coloring procedure.  If you skip this test, you may experience common forms of allergies in the form of itching, dry skin, irritation, and redness. However, you don’t need to worry, as we are sharing with you a few easy home treatments to help treat these allergies safely and effectively.

What causes allergy after using a hair dye?

A majority of hair dyes have “Paraphenylenediamine” in them as a primary ingredient. You would be surprised to known that this ingredient is used as a temporary tattoo ink, and printer ink. It is the main component that is responsible for causing you irritation, swelling and redness on the skin. People who hypoallergenic skin are more susceptible to the harmful effects of Paraphenylenediamine chemical present in a hair dye.

Hair Dye Allergy

Signs of Hair Dye Allergies

The symptoms of hair dye allergy can show up within 48 hours of its application. It can appear in following ways:

  1. Red rashes on the skin
  2. A harsh sensation on the face, neck, and scalp
  3. Formation of blisters
  4. Swelling of the skin on the neck, and face
  5. Inflammation of the hands, feet, lips, and eyelids

Mild symptoms can get away by treating your scalp and hair with a mild shampoo. Application of moisturizers will also help in soothing the inflamed skin.

Severe symptoms of hair dye products can lead to fatigue, difficulty in breathing, swelling of the throat, and more. It is very essential to treat these symptoms at the earliest.

Home Remedies to treat Hair Dye Allergies

Here are some very effective, and purely natural home remedies that helps you lower the severity of its symptoms.

1. Honey

Application of one tablespoon of honey two to three times a day to the inflamed skin will give you long lasting relief. This is because of the miraculous immunomodulatory properties of Honey that makes it one of the ancient traditional remedy for treating skin conditions. In a few days of its application, you will see gradual reduction in the rashes, and lesions.

2. Yogurt and Lemon juice

Next effective natural home remedy to treat hair dye allergy is a paste of yogurt, and lemon juice. Lemon possess incredible anti-inflammatory characteristics to treat itching, and yogurt contains lactic acid that heals the damaged skin quickly. Mix two to three teaspoons of lemon juice in half cup of yogurt. Apply this paste on your scalp and leave it for 15 to 20. Rinse with a mild shampoo.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is touted as a remarkable healer. Its anti-inflammatory properties prevent the swelling, and redness caused due to hair dyes. To get the maximum therapeutic effect from this plant, apply it all over your scalp (especially on the rashes) and leave it on overnight. Rinse off your hair in the morning. Repeat this procedure daily.

4. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is an excellent moisturizer, that nourishes and soothes your irritated scalp.  Massage your scalp with this oil and leave it on for fifteen minutes. Wash your scalp with a mild shampoo. In place of coconut oil, you can also perform this remedy with olive oil, or sesame oil.

5. Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil possess remarkable wound-healing properties. Loaded with wax esters, it gently heals and repairs the inflamed lesions on the skin. Take one tablespoon of jojoba oil and mix it with a carrier oil (like coconut or olive oil). Apply it to the affected areas on the scalp. allow it to remain overnight. Wash it out in the morning. Do it once in three days to get maximum benefit.

6. Baking soda

Baking soda has got alkaline properties that offer instant relief from any allergic reaction. Take one to two teaspoons of baking soda, and add water, and mild shampoo to it. Apply this paste to the scalp. Let it stay for half an hour. Wash it off with plain water.

7. Tea Tree Oil and Jojoba Oil

Tea tree oil is an antiseptic oil. The remarkable anti-inflammatory property of the oil is effective in lowering the swelling and irritation on the scalp caused due to contact dermatitis. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil in a tablespoon of jojoba oil. Heat the oil so that it becomes luke-warm. Apply it to the rashes. Let it stay overnight. Wash off in the morning using a mild shampoo. Do it twice a week.


Hair dye allergies can be easily identified through its symptoms. Always look for natural and herbal dyes as they are devoid of harmful chemicals. The above quick and affordable home remedies will definitely help you treat allergies safely at home.

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