Learn How To Use Chia Seeds for Weight Loss!

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The Chia herbal plant, popular known as Salvia Hispanica, is one of the most useful herbal plants native to Central America. They are very popular for their herbal Chia Seeds, which are very rich in calcium, various antioxidants, and Omega-3s and offer a lot of benefits. The herbal seeds have been used achieve weight loss in most of the world for many years. Research reveals that the seed supplies tons of energy that ensure that you are active most of the time but you are not kept awake during the night, making them a great weight loss product. They hold a lot of water making them great in ensuring that you are not dehydrated during exercise and in the case of exposure to high temperature for a longer time. Let’s see how to use and benefits of chia seeds for weight loss!

How to Use Chia Seeds for Weight Loss?

Chia seeds for weight loss

1. It Helps to Improve Energy Level

Chia Seeds are rich in nutrients that help to boost your energy level, which ensure that you can do exercises for a longer time and lose more weight. Prepare a cup of chia seeds juice and take them before you take your recumbent bike for a workout to ensure that you endure in the field. By doing a workout for a longer time, you burn more calories and lose more of unnecessary weight.

2. Chia Seeds Can Eliminate Food Cravings

Although the Chia seeds do not have high fiber content, it absorbs a lot of water and increase in volume many times making us fuller between meals. Research also reveals that the herbal seeds produce a gel that helps slow down the absorption of carbohydrates in your digestive system.

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How Chia Seeds Help in Weight Loss?

You can either consume the chia seeds for weight loss that can alone or as part of other favorite foods. Here are some of the ways of using Chia Seeds for weight loss.

1. Eating Soaked Chia Seeds

Eating whole Chia Seeds and chasing immediately with water can result in swallowing difficulty due to the fact that they expand very fast when it come in contact with water. To avoid this problem, it is important to soak them in the water quickly before eating. Due to this property of absorbing a lot of water and expanding very many times, Chia Seeds are perfect for weight loss. Moreover, when soaked, the herbal seeds form a gelatinous coating that assists in moving swiftly through the digestive track. Chia Seeds are hydrophilic, which mean that they can attract water from the body if not well soaked; a situation that may lead to dehydration. We, therefore, highly recommend that you soak them well before consuming it to avoid problems.

2. Eating Grinded Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds can be grounded into border form and used as a thickener, which helps to offer various benefits without having to change the texture of the food. Researchers have shown that our bodies absorb the border Chia seeds faster as compared to when we consume them as a whole. Grounded Chia Seeds can be used as a thickener and substitute eggs in recipes that feature crushed eggs.

3. Incorporating Chia Seeds on Other Foods

Whole Chai Seeds can be included various food recipes. Although you may need to soak the seed before using, while adding to other foods include a lot of liquid it might not be important to soak them. You can incorporate the herbal seeds directly on smoothies, soups or even meat that chicken and meat dishes without having to soak or grind them. Here are some recipes of chia seeds for weight loss where the herbal seeds are mostly used to achieve better weight loss.

4. Chai Seeds Can be Used as to Substitute Eggs in Recipes that Include Eggs

Grinded Chia seeds are rich in nutrients and minerals and can substitute eggs in recipes that contained crushed eggs. It is most used to substitute eggs in where you need to achieve healthy weight loss. Just use a single tablespoon of finely grounded chia seeds plus three tablespoons of water per egg in a baked recipe.

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5. Grinded Seeds are Used in Making Blueberry Chia Muffins

Blueberry chia muffins are very rich regarding nutrients, minerals, and energy and make you full with only 100 calories. The fact that the herbal seeds are protein-rich and gluten free make them the most appropriate for making blueberry chia muffins that help to achieve weight loss.

6. Incorporate Soaked Whole Chia Seeds in Healthy Puddings

You can incorporate the herbal weight loss seeds while making homemade puddings. Puddings are very healthy and easy to make. Incorporating chia seeds for weight loss ensure that you really achieve weight loss. Here is an example of recipes that include Chia seeds.

  • Mix two cups of milk such as coconut milk, a cup of soaked Chia seeds, 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder, a tablespoon of vanilla and a tablespoon of sweeter of your choice.
  • Use blender to blend them until they smoothen.
  • Put them in a fridge and allow them to thicken them for about 10 minutes.

7. Include Grounded Chia Seeds to help thicken your Gravies or soup

You can substitute cornstarch with grounded Chia Seeds to help thicken your soup. Just add a few tablespoons of powdered Chia seeds to the desired thickness.

8. Use the Herbal Seed While Making Grain Free Crackers

Mix equal parts of coconut milk and grounded Chia seeds to thicken. Then, add some garlic powder plus sea salt and bake them at a low temperature for some few minutes.

9. Prepare and Take Chia Seeds Juice to Help Reduce Weight

Researchers have revealed that Chia juice is a powerful weight loss agent. It helps in weight loss in two different ways:

  • Taking a cup of chia seeds before embarking on workout help to provide energy that ensures that you do the exercise for a longer time and lose more weight.
  • Chai seeds juice help to boost metabolism increase the body’s capability to burn more calories.

However, you must note the amount of chia seeds for weight loss that is enough for you as exceeding your serving may result in consuming too many calories.


Chia seeds are miraculous weight loss hypes and it important that you include in your diet if you need to achieve healthy weight loss. Chia seeds have unique properties that make us fuller and packed with energy. These properties assist us in avoiding chunked food between meals and remain active for most part of the day, which ensure that we are losing unnecessary weight. The herbal seeds are packed with vitamins, antioxidants, protein and minerals that help to ensure that you are not missing the vital nutrient as you reduce your calorie.

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4 thoughts on “Learn How To Use Chia Seeds for Weight Loss!”

  1. Good tips for weight loss, i had read more article about weight loss but this is a special article. i love it . the Chinese very well in medicine and foods. i will bookmark the website to read .


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