Know how to remove the stains on your teeth?

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Yellow teeth – The causes

Teeth discolouration affects people across cultures and ethnicities. The leading cause of all dental problems including discolouration has been poor dental hygiene. Improper eating habits and unhealthy food has also gone a long way in wearing down teeth, genetics also has a major role to play. Even while dental care has advanced by leaps and bounds, the problems continue to grow unabated, tooth discolouration being prime. Teeth discolouration can be naturally treated though; Know how to.

Many factors contribute to the teeth becoming yellow.

Primarily it is food that stains the enamel of your teeth. Additionally, plaque build-up on teeth is also a prominent reason. There are different kinds of discolouration calling for different approaches and remedies. The yellow discolouration can also occur due to the exposure of the dentin, a naturally yellow coloured bony tissue.

The Remedies

Oil pulling

An ancient Indian line of treatment oil pulling is popular and effective. No studies establish a direct connection between this practice and teeth whitening. Yet for a fact, oil pulling is highly effective in hindering bacteria and plaque build-up in the oral cavity. Now coconut oil is preferred over other oils because of its pleasant taste and health benefits.

The lauric acid in coconut oil can reduce inflammation and kill bacteria. Coconut oil gets solid at room temperature and takes a few seconds to melt. Hence oil pulling for 15-20 minutes is recommended.

Baking soda

Due to its mild abrasive nature, baking soda has found its way as a toothpaste ingredient. Bicarbonate of soda creates an alkaline environment inside your mouth, prevents bacteria from growing within. To use it as a remedy, combine one teaspoon of baking soda with 5ml of water. Use this paste a few days a week. The colour difference will start to show.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a natural bleaching agent. It also kills oral bacteria. Almost all commercial whitening agents have hydrogen peroxide in higher quantities than needed. Hydrogen peroxide singularly has not been studied scientifically for whitening properties. However, kinds of toothpaste containing the same have been analyzed. In one such study, it was found that different toothpaste containing 1% hydrogen peroxide led to better whitening of teeth. Yet another finding found that brushing twice with the same composition resulted in 62% whiter teeth in 6 weeks.

Hydrogen peroxide – Refrain from overuse

The drugstore solution usually contains 3% hydrogen peroxide. This original solution has to be diluted to an approximate 1.5%. This can be easily done by mixing equal parts of water and hydrogen peroxide. Yet another way to use it is to make a paste by combining 10 ml of Hydrogen peroxide with 5ml of baking soda in the ratio of 2:1. Conservative use of this combination is best to prevent the eroding of your enamel.

Fruits and vegetables

A fruit and vegetable-rich diet are always good for your body. Crunching them naturally scrapes the plaque build-up on your teeth. At the same time, a good brushing is not to be substituted for anything.


Strawberries and baking soda, their combination has been widely held as effective teeth whitener. The malic acid found in strawberries exfoliates your teeth while baking soda buffs the stains away. Studies also do not point out any regressive action of the berry-soda combination on teeth enamel but restrain from overuse. This is a simple application, smash a single strawberry mix it with baking soda; apply the mixture to your teeth.


Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapples. In one study it was found that bromelain was more potent than a standard toothpaste in removing stains. However, there is no evidence indicating that direct eating of pineapples will yield the same result.

Prevention is better than cure

Staining foods and beverages – cut them down

Dark berries and caffeinated drinks like coffee, soda will stain teeth if taken in excess. You should enjoy all of them but in moderation. The best way to neutralize their effects is to simply brush your teeth within 30 minutes of such consumption.

Sugar – much is not good

 Foods rich in sugar influence the growth of Streptococcus mutans the prime bacteria responsible for plaque and gingivitis. Brush immediately in some time after biting into sugary foods to counter-down the effect of sugar on your teeth.

Calcium – a natural teeth fortifier

Calcium-rich foods are a boon to your teeth. It protects your enamel the primary defensive layer of teeth. Milk, cheese and broccoli are super-rich in calcium. Their regular intake will retain the overall good health of your teeth. 

Popular methods

It involves rubbing peels of banana, orange or lemon on your teeth. Proponents of this practice claim that regular practice of this method will make your teeth whiter.

Fruit peels- It involves rubbing peels of banana, orange or lemon on your teeth. Proponents of this practice claim that regular practice of this method will make your teeth whiter.

Kaolin clay– Brushing with clay helps remove stains from teeth, another upheld practice by people.

Activated charcoal– Powdered charcoal is attributed to removing stains from teeth and pulling toxins from the mouth.


Whitening treatments, for your teeth galore. While using any of these medical discretion is advised. Natural remedies are more preferred than industrially manufactured teeth whiteners. Remedies vary from person to person and the severity of each case. A case of severe discoloration will have to be tended to by the dentist and invariably chemical-based stain removers.

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