7 Incredible Home Remedies for Dry Cracked Feet!

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How to heal cracked feet? One of the biggest nightmares of every woman is cracked feet. Not only are cracked feet extremely painful, they also look rather bad! Cracked feet are caused when the skin under our feet tend dries up due to lack of moisture. Sometimes with excess weight bearing, cracks lead to bleeding and excessive pain. There are plenty of home remedies for dry cracked feet at home in the best possible way.

DIY Home Remedies for Dry Cracked Feet

Home Remedies for Dry Cracked Feet

1. Oil Massage

Oil Massage for Dry Cracked Feet

The best home remedies for dry cracked feet is oils. Yes, the same oil that we use in our day to day life, such as vegetable oil, coconut oil or even sesame oil can be used as a medicine to heal cracked feet, in no time at all. Now, how to cure cracked feet with oil? The procedure is very simple. Every night before you go to sleep, just dip your feet in warm water for about ten minutes. Dry them out and then apply a generous amount of either of the oils to your heels. Gently massage them and wear your socks on to cover and protect them from further damage. Do this regularly and you will surely see the difference.

2. Fruit Masks

Fruit Masks for Dry Cracked Feet

Did you know that the fruits you eat can treat cracked feet? Wondering how to cure dry cracked feet with fruits? Fruits like Avocado and bananas are considered as one of the best home remedies for painful cracked heels. Make a paste of these fruits and apply them every day your heels. Leave it on for about ten to fifteen minutes. You could add some coconut to this mixture to get fast and effective results.

3. Use of Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice for Dry Cracked Feet

Lime and lemon are a boon to mankind They can myriad conditions from acne scars to a common cold. And they can treat your cracked soles too! Soak your feet in these juices as and when you can and you will see the cracks diminishing. Simple, as that! Always ensure to have your feet fully soaked in them. This is one of the home remedies for dry cracked feet, that never fails!

4. Homemade Scrub

Homemade Scrub for Dry Cracked Feet

Another very effective home remedy for dry cracked feet is to make a scrub with rice flour, honey and vinegar. This needs to be gently rubbed into your heels after you have pampered your feet in warm water for about five to ten minutes. Remember, this need not be done every day. Do this just three times in a week should do the magic.

5. Moisturizers

Moisturizers for Dry Cracked Feet

Just basic moisturizers are also one of the most effective home remedies for dry cracked feet. Get a simple moisturizing cream from your nearby beauty store and apply it on the heels daily before you sleep. Even Vaseline will do the trick!

6. Oatmeal and Jojoba Oil

Oatmeal and Jojoba Oil for Dry Cracked Feet

These are two ingredients that work well for skin problems. Grind oats into a coarse powder and add some jojoba oil to it. Apply the oatmeal and jojoba oil paste onto your cracked feet and gently massage it into your skin in circular motions. Leave the paste on, till it dries up. Rinse with warm water and pat dry.

7. Honey and Milk

Honey and Milk for Dry Cracked Feet

Like citrus fruits, honey and milk are also considered to be beneficial for skin and skin problems. Mix a tablespoon of honey with half a bowl of milk and apply to the cracks. Apply often to get best results.

Cracked heels are always a concern, but when you have options and remedies that you can try from the comfort of your home to heal cracked feet, then why worry?

Important Points to Remember

Some tips to prevent cracked heels from recurring are:

  • Drinking water and milk will help you keep up the water levels and calcium levels high. Try not to walk bare feet even if you are indoors. Wearing a pair of slippers will help you keep your feet neat and skin safe from cracking.
  • Wash or cleanse your feet in the warm water as and when possible. After you cleanse your dainty feet, pat them dry and apply a good moisturizer. This will help the heels to remain moist and not dry out.
  • One of the most important points to remember and the most difficult to practice is not to stand for too long. Standing for too long, be it at your home or at work, is one of the major causes for cracks in your heels because it can dry off the moisturizer off your feet and bring in cracks and dry skin.

So here you go, with all the above-mentioned tips and home remedies for dry cracked feet you can have crack-free heels like those supermodels!

Read more – How to Fix Dry Feet?

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