Do You Know Turmeric is a Wonderful Remedy for Acne and Pimples?

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Since ages old, turmeric has been the natural remedy for pimples and acne. Now how do we use turmeric for acne or how turmeric is a remedy for pimples? We need to know about this.

Acne is a skin related problem with the symptoms like the occurrence of pimples, blackheads or zits on the face, cheeks or back of the body. Acne occurs due to the clogging of pores by oil, dead skin cells, dirt and other toxins leading to bacterial infections and hence acne. The occurrence of acne can lower our self-esteem and confidence. With an advent of ads showing more of a flawless skin or a pimple free skin, we have started using expensive creams, soaps or unnecessary chemicals even if the acne outbreak is mild. These applications may be expensive and can cause side effects. Hence why not use home remedies for acne?

Among the home remedies, turmeric has been tried and tested ingredient for acne.

Why Turmeric for Acne?

Turmeric for Acne and Pimples

Turmeric for pimples has been used for centuries in Asian countries. Turmeric for acne made into a paste and applied topically help in destroying the bacteria that causes inflammation and removing the excessive oil from the skin.

  • Turmeric has an antioxidant property that removes the free radicals and helps in preventing the frequent occurrence of acne.
  • The curcumin present in turmeric has anti- inflammatory property that reduces the inflammation, reddishness, swelling and pain.
  • Turmeric has anti fugal and antibacterial characteristics that can kill the bacteria that cause the breakouts and its anti- septic property can prevent the deposition of bacterial infection in the skin pores.

Hence turmeric for acne has been a safe solution for acne breakouts and scars. Being a natural ingredient, it is very effective and harmless and not having any side effects.

What are The Turmeric Masks for Acne?

Turmeric can either be used alone or turmeric masks for acne are also prepared in combination of turmeric with other natural ingredients that promise you a clear skin and also prevent the relapse of acne occurrence.

Some tips that we need to follow before using turmeric mask for acne.

  • Have a nice hot shower bath or steam bath before applying turmeric masks for acne.Your skin must be clean and free of lotions or cream.
  • You can use a mild shower gel as this will open up the pores and applying turmeric powder for acne as a mask will be more effective.
  • Once you apply mask consisting of turmeric for acne, lie down, close your eyes and relax for 20 minutes. You can also place 2 cucumber slices or 2 cotton balls soaked in rose water on the eyes.
  • You can relax for 20 minutes making sure that the mask gets dried and stiffen. Rinse with warm water and remove the mask thoroughly. To make sure that the remains of the mask have washed off; you can rinse your face thoroughly with cold water and pat dry.

Turmeric Face Masks

Now, we will see how turmeric masks are prepared for acne and what other ingredients can be added to the turmeric powder to make the pack more effective.

1. Turmeric Powder with Gram Flour, Jojoba Oil, and Lime Juice Pack

Turmeric Pack with Gram Flour, Jojoba Oil, and Lime Juice

Take 1 teaspoon each of turmeric powder, gram flour, jojoba oil and mix in a bowl. Add lime juice and mix. Now add milk to the paste and mix well into a fine paste. Apply this pack on the face and apply it in a circular motion. Allow it to dry. Rinse it with water and pat dry. You can apply this pack twice a week for better results.

The combination of anti-bacterial properties of jojoba oil, cleansing effect of gram flour and exfoliating effect of lime juice along with turmeric powder makes it a perfect pack for acne.

2. Turmeric Powder with Brown Rice Flour Pack

Turmeric Pack with Brown Rice Flour

Take 2 tablespoon turmeric powder and 1 tablespoon brown rice flour with 2 tablespoon yogurt and half teaspoon honey. Mix well in the bowl and use a brush to apply this paste on the face. Allow it to dry and wash your face thoroughly and pat dry.

The starch in brown rice flour is helpful for skin damages and the protein present in brown rice flour is natural exfoliator that exfoliates dead skin cells as you wash your face. The presence of yogurt in the mask consists of lactic acid that only kills acne but also maintains the skin pH balance thus keeping more acne away. The presence of honey maintains the moisture of the skin.

3. Turmeric Powder and Coconut Oil Pack

Turmeric and Coconut Oil Pack

Take 1 tablespoon yogurt in a bowl. Now add 1 teaspoon honey into the bowl. Add 1 teaspoon extra virgin coconut oil and add 2 to 3 teaspoon turmeric powder. Mix all the ingredients well and form a smooth consistency. Apply this pack on the face and allow it to dry. Wash your face thoroughly with water and pat dry.

Nourishing and moisturizing, coconut oil also has regenerating and clarifying properties and makes coconut oil a good idea for acne. The presence of yogurt and honey maintains the moisture of the skin and the lactic acid present in yogurt kills acne.

4. Turmeric and Aloe Vera Face Pack

Turmeric and Aloe Vera Face Pack

When turmeric is mixed with aloe vera, it becomes a perfect solution for acne. Combine 1 to 2 teaspoon aloe Vera gel, ½ teaspoon turmeric powder, and 1 teaspoon gram flour. Stir well and apply on the affected area. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse off with cold water. You can apply this pack 2 to 3 times a week.

Aloe Vera, being an astringent, aloe vera gel helps in keeping the pores clean from sebum, dead skin cells, and dirt. An addition of gram flour cleans the skin and scrubs away the dead skin cells.

5. Turmeric Powder, Red Sandalwood Powder, and Neem Paste Face Pack

Turmeric, Sandalwood, and Neem Paste Face Pack

This pack contains red sandalwood powder or ‘Rakta Chandana’ which is effective against the acne scars. This pack helps in tightening the skin. Mix 1 tablespoon turmeric powder and 1 tablespoon red sandalwood powder. Now add freshly prepared 1 tablespoon neem leaves paste and 1 teaspoon honey. You can add little amount of water to make the paste of fine consistency. Apply this paste on the affected area and allow it to remain for 20 minutes. Wash well.

Red sandalwood powder is beneficial for acne and soothes the skin and Neem are anti-fungal, anti- bacterial and anti- inflammatory and prevents clogging of oil into the pores.

Thus turmeric for acne has been used in varied ways as a face pack that is very effective and beneficial. With the benefits of turmeric for acne getting popular day by day, it has also been recommended that turmeric can be used as face mask even for acne scars.

Having an acne scar is like dealing with a double problem, first, you need to deal with the pimples and no you have a scar to remind you. Now that’s very heartbreaking? But you don’t need to frown or bear the sight of the scar.  While most acne scars do fade naturally with time, there are certain treatments that can speed up the procedure.

Turmeric, being a natural ingredient, has always been on the forefront in even acne scars treatments.

Turmeric Face Masks for Acne Scars

Anti- inflammatory properties of turmeric have always been useful in treating various skin conditions even the acne scars.

1. Turmeric and Honey Face Mask

Turmeric and Honey Face Mask

The honey and turmeric directly attacks the bacteria and heals the skin. Hence this turmeric & honey face pack not only removes acne but also the scars and rejuvenates the skin. Mix 4 tablespoon honey and 2 tablespoon turmeric powder to make a thick paste. Apply this paste using the back of the spoon evenly on the face. Avoid the eye area. Allow the pack to remain on the face for 20 minutes and then wash it with lukewarm water and pat dry. You need to use this pack once in a day.

2. Turmeric and Lemon Face Mask

Turmeric and Lemon Face Mask

This face mask is used as turmeric scrubs that not only brightens the skin but also useful acne prone skin and also provides a glowing complexion. Lemon is quite an answer for acne scars and helps in balancing the skin. The addition of oats into the pack softens and exfoliates the skin. However, you need to powder rolled oats in a processor into the powder form. However, an addition of oats in this face mask can make the pack messy, hence be sure that you apply this pack over the sink.

Add 3 tablespoon rolled oats into the blender and convert into the oats flour. Now add oats flour, 1 tablespoon honey and ½ teaspoon turmeric with little lemon juice into a bowl. Mix well and apply this pack on clean face over the sink. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes. Now rinse off gently with warm water. Pat dry.

The best things about face masks made from turmeric for acne is all are prepared with natural ingredients and do not cause any side effects. I think the only disadvantage about turmeric is that turmeric can cause yellow stains on your face. But that can be solved by washing our face with water thoroughly. Otherwise using turmeric is safe and effective.

Do share your experiences how was the result after using turmeric face masks for acne. Believe me, it’s going to be wonderful.

Read Next – Simple Yet Effective Home Remedies for Acne and Pimples!

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4 thoughts on “Do You Know Turmeric is a Wonderful Remedy for Acne and Pimples?”

  1. how to use on the faces which contains mix in the turmeric powder .please give me a video . give me some advice for pimples stains how to remove

  2. Hello turmeric I used many time,turmeric and lemon facepack also i used but it shoe negative result only…for Mark’s and scars..enev acne also my age is 20 only..what can i do…I consult with many dermatologists but no use of it….now also im suffering form a acne and scars…please suggest me…thank you


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