Best Yoga for Back Pain : How To Get Rid of Back Pain?

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In today’s stressful life and unhealthy lifestyle, Back pain is quite common for many. Lower back is basically made of vertebrae of the spine, muscles, and ligaments. The intervertebral discs are present in the spine that offers cushioning made of cartilage. It perfectly fits between the 2 vertebrae. Any disease or injury of the discs in the lower back, ligaments and muscles can cause severe back pain.

The risk of injury in the lower back is high in obese people, have a very poor posture or those who have weak abdominal and back muscles. Most people resort to expensive orthopedic treatment or massages for back pain, however, these do not provide long term relief and solutions. Have you ever considered yoga for back pain? Yes, yoga is a simpler and long term option to get rid of back pain.

Best Yoga for Back Pain

Causes of Back Pain

There’s no specific reason for pain in the lower back. However, ligament or muscle strain is the most obvious cause for it. In case you experience pain in your back all of a sudden, then it’s a sign of disc problem, the muscle tear or a sprained ligament. A lot of other conditions such as osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, ankylosing and spinal stenosis may also cause pain in the back.

Pregnancy may also cause back pain because of extra weight, ligament and muscle firmness, compression of the spinal nerves, etc. Usually, overweight people are more prone to pain in the back due to wrong posture and additional strain in the body weight on the muscles and discs.

Relieving pain in the back is quite easy with the help of exercises for lower back pain. These exercises help in strengthening the back. They not only relieve the lower back but they even help in preventing the pain to come back in future. To get instant relief from lower back pain, you should try a few lower stretching yoga for back pain . In case you are experiencing severe backache, then you should consult your doctor before trying any of these poses.

Best Yoga for Back Pain

Back pain can be relieved with the help of certain back pain stretches. Yoga for back pain have a number of benefits not just for the back but also for other parts of the body. So here are some of the most effective exercises for lower back pain which help in relieving back pain quickly.

1. Downward Facing Dog Pose

It is one of the most popular yoga for back pain. This pose elongates cervical spine and helps in strengthening the core, the lower back, and the hamstrings.


Benefits –

  • Strengthens the core back muscles.
  • Relieves back pain.

How to do it?

  • Sit on the knees and hands in the downward facing dog pose.
  • Tuck your toes backward.
  • Lift the hips bringing the heels towards the ground.
  • Hold for 5 breaths.

2. Upward Facing Dog



  • Opens up congested chest.
  • >Helps in improving back and abdominal muscles.

How to do it?

  • Starting from the downward facing dog pose, move forward to a plank.
  • Untuck the toes and then look up.
  • Keep the knees away from the ground.
  • Hold for 3 counts.

3. Supine Hamstring Stretch

This is one of the most effective back stretching yoga for back pain which help in relieving back pain.


Benefits –

  • Relieves back pain.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Increases blood flow to the muscles which increases oxygen flow.

How to do it?

  • Lie on the back and bend the right knee into the chest.
  • Place a rolled or a strap towel around your foot’s ball.
  • Straighten the leg towards the roof.
  • Press through both the heels.
  • In case your lower back strains, bend your left knee and keep the foot on the floor.
  • Hold this pose for 3 to 5 minutes and switch to left for another 3 to 5 minutes.

Click here to know the benefits of Surya Namaskar yoga for weight loss!

4. Pigeon Pose


Benefits –

  • Stimulates internal organs.
  • Stretches the pelvic muscles.
  • Helps in getting relief from urinary disorders.

How to do it?

  • Lie down on the floor, placing your hands in the front.
  • Lift your torso off the floor.
  • Bring the right knee behind the right wrist.
  • Stretch the left leg behind you.
  • The knee should be facing the ground.
  • Now press your palms against the ground.
  • Stretch the legs backward while curving the back and lifting it up.
  • Pull the abdominal muscles to the spine.
  • Maintain the pose for at least 5-10 counts.

See here some amazing yoga poses for weight loss that everyone should follow!

5. Seated Forward Fold


Benefits –

  • Strengthens the back by keeping it in the upright position.
  • Stretches the neck, hamstrings, calves and back.

How to do it?

  • Start in upright seated pose with the legs stretched in the front.
  • Take the hands down in front of the legs so that they can touch the toes.
  • Rest your palms on the shins.
  • Hold for 3 counts.
  • When you start feeling uncomfortable, come back to normal position.

6. Standing Forward Fold with Your Hands Clasped

This is one of the yoga for back pain which gives a good stretch to the back.


Benefits –

  • Stretches the back muscles.
  • Increases the shoulder mobility.
  • Opens congested chest.

How to do it?

  • Start in the upright standing pose.
  • Hinge the hips forward, bringing the fingertips towards the ground.
  • Clasp the hands behind you, bringing the palms together even if you have to bend the elbows.
  • Hold for 3 counts.

Let’s Know The Benefits of Surya Namaskar Yoga For Weight Loss!

7. Cat Pose


Benefits –

  • Improves balance and posture.
  • Stretches as well as strengthens the neck and spine.
  • Increases coordination.
  • Stimulates and massages the organs in bellies such as adrenal glands and kidneys.
  • Calms the mind.
  • Relieves stress.

How to do it?

  •  Start on the knees and hands in the table top pose.
  • Make sure that the knees are directly set below the hips and your shoulders, elbows, and wrists are in sync and perpendicular to the ground.
  • Centre the head in the neutral pose, with your eyes looking towards the ground.
  • While exhaling, round the spine towards the roof, making sure that your knees and shoulders are in position.
  • Release the head towards the ground, without forcing the chin towards the chest.
  • Inhale while coming back to the neutral table top position on the knees and hands.

These are some of the stretches for back pain which are easy to do and very effective in providing relief from back pain. So what are you waiting for? So, start performing these yoga poses specially designed for back pain and gets rid of back pain permanently.

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