The Amazing Four Olive Oil Hair Mask for All Hair Types!

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Long, lustrous, smooth, damage free hair is a dream for all the women around the globe.Olive oil hair mask is one such solution that can get you closer to your dream hair. Olive oil is rich in Vitamin E which helps in providing good nutrition to hair. In this article today, we are going to discuss olive oil hair mask benefits, types of olive oil hair mask, how to prepare and use olive oil hair mask. Below enlisted are some olive oil hair mask that can be useful for all hair types.

Olive Oil Hair Mask

How To Use An Egg And Olive Oil Hair Mask?

We already know that olive oil is very beneficial for the maintenance of hair, but combining it with egg is going to be an added advantage since eggs are loaded with proteins. The combination of egg and olive oil hair mask is rich in fatty acids that help to repair the hair damage and add instant shine to the hair. Follow the steps below to prepare an egg and olive oil hair mask and use it at home for beautiful and bouncy hair.

How To Prepare And Use Egg And Olive Oil Hair Mask?


  • Egg yolks – 2 (for dry hair)
  • Egg whites – 2 (for oily hair)
  • Egg – 1 (for normal hair)
  • Olive oil – 2 tablespoons
  • Wide- tooth comb

Preparation Of Egg And Olive Oil Hair Mask-

  • Choose the egg or part of the egg as per your hair type and need.
  • Mix the egg and olive oil in a bowl.
  • Whisk the eggs and olive oil together until a creamy mixture is formed.
  • You can vary the amount of olive oil in the mixture depending upon your hair length.

Application Of Egg And Olive Oil Hair Mask-

  • Shampoo your hair before you begin with the application of egg and olive oil hair mask.
  • Section your hair in with the wide-toothed comb and start applying the mixture with an applicator or your hands.
  • Apply the mixture starting from the roots extending towards the tips.
  • Now tie your hair up and let the mask settle in for 20 minutes
  • Then wash the hair with shampoo using cold water and let them dry.
  • Repeat the procedure twice a week.

Things To Know About Egg And Olive Oil Hair Mask-

  • Use cold olive oil while preparation of the mask to avoid your hair smelling of eggs.
  • Adding an essential oil to the hair mask is can also prevent that egg smell.
  • You can store the leftover mask in a fridge in an airtight container and reuse the mixture for a week.
  • Washing with cold water retains the moisture in the hair.

How To Use Honey And Olive Oil Hair Mask?

This type of hair mask like the above olive oil hair mask can be used for damaged, dry and other natural combination of hair. Honey very effectively traps the moisture in the hair; it has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties too. It also helps reduce split ends and bring back the dry hair to the normal. Raw honey is always better than the processed one. Follow the steps below to find yourself a way towards making and using this pack.

How To Prepare And Use Honey And Olive Oil Hair Mask?


  • Olive oil – 3 tablespoon
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon.
  • Vitamin E capsule – 1
  • Shower cap

Preparation Of Honey And Olive Oil Hair Mask-

  • Mix olive oil and honey in a bowl.
  • Cut the Vitamin E capsule and squeeze it into the mixture of honey and olive oil hair mask.
  • Whisk well to form a smooth mixture.

Application Of Honey And Olive Oil Hair Mask-

  • Shampoo your hair and wait till they dry.
  • Section the dry hair and apply the prepared hair mask using an applicator or your hands.
  • Start the application from the roots and ending up at the tips.
  • Cover the hair with the shower cap.
  • Let the mask settle and set in for 30 -90 minutes.
  • Wash the hair with cold water using a shampoo and followed by conditioning.

Things To Know About Honey And Olive Oil Hair Mask

  • For dry hair – repeat twice a week to get maximum olive oil hair mask benefits.
  • For Oily hair – repeat once a week and can start the application of the mask from the mid-length of the hair rather than from the roots.
  • Honey is a natural bleaching agent. Hence, can cause a slight discolouration of hair. Do not use it if you are fond of your hair colour.

How To Use Coconut Oil And Olive Oil Hair Mask?

Coconut oil is the most common name in the hair care routine. It is like an age-old brand still in demand for hair care practices. Coconut oil rich in fatty acids has the ability to repair even the deepest of the hair damage by penetrating deep into the hair shaft. It also treats dandruff, itchy scalp and acts as an antifungal agent too. Preparing and using coconut oil and olive oil hair mask is the easiest and can be done as mentioned below.

How To Prepare And Use Coconut Oil And Olive Oil Hair Mask?


  • Virgin coconut oil – 2 tablespoon
  • Virgin olive oil – 1 tablespoon
  • Wide-toothed comb
  • Shower cap

Preparation Of Coconut Oil And Olive Oil Hair Mask-

  • Mix the mentioned quantities of the coconut oil and olive oil in a bowl. Adjust the parts of oil per ratio depending on your hair length and thickness.
  • Stir well to form a uniform mixture of oils.

Application Of Coconut Oil And Olive Oil Hair Mask-

  • Take the prepared mixture of coconut oil and olive oil hair mask and gently start applying on your scalp with your hands.
  • Massage gently, starting from the roots of the hair and down to the tips.
  • Apply a good amount of the mask to the tips as they are the most damaged parts of the hair.
  • Comb using a wide-toothed comb.
  • Wrap in a shower cap and leave it overnight. This allows proper absorption of oils into the scalp and hair.
  • Wash in morning using a shampoo followed by a conditioner.

How To Use Olive Oil And Avocado Hair Mask?

This hair mask is a mixture of honey, avocado, and virgin olive oil. Avocados have a use in hair treatment and care as it is rich in proteins, vitamin A, vitamin E, and mono-saturated fats. This hair mask is an ideal for dry, damaged and breakage prone hair as the natural oils in avocado are isomers to the natural oil produced by the human body. Like all the other hair masks mentioned above, this olive oil and avocado hair mask do a little better at moisturizing the hair. People with all types of hair can use olive oil and avocado hair mask, but it is great for curly, coarse and thick hair.

How To Prepare And Use Olive Oil And Avocado Hair Mask?


  • Ripe Avocado – 1
  • Olive oil – 2- 3tablespoon
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon
  • Shower cap – 1

Preparation Of Olive Oil And Avocado Hair Mask-

  • Cut the avocado and scoop the ripe bulky part of the fruit in a bowl. Mash the avocado using a mortar and pestle. You can also use a blender to or a food processor to obtain a smooth textured paste of avocado.
  • Now add the olive oil and honey to the avocado paste and mix well.
  • Blend all the ingredients so well that there are no chunks left.

Application Of Olive Oil And Avocado Hair Mask-

  • Wash your hair before applying the olive oil and avocado hair mask.
  • On the damp hair now apply the olive oil and avocado hair mask paste using your hand starting with the roots and gradually moving towards the tips.
  • Make sure to apply a concentrated amount of the hair mask to the tips as they are always highly damaged.
  • Cover the hair with shower cap and then leave it to settle in for 40 -45 minutes.
  • Wash the hair using cold water and condition it as usual.

Things To Know About Olive Oil And Avocado Hair Mask

  • You can also add yoghurt to this for an added advantage.
  • To check if the avocado is ripe or not press slightly at the stem tip. If the flesh sinks in a bit then the avocado is ripe and can be used.
  • For oily hair – do not put the mask directly on the oily roots.

Maintaining the good health of hair isn’t that treacherous task as it seems to be. It also doesn’t take out too much from your pocket if opted for the natural means. What it demands is patience and little effort from your personal side. And then boom! You are on your righteous path of hair care. Nature has the best solutions to offer and in the cheapest means compared to the other harsh chemicals that are being widely used today. Care a little about yourself and make some time for a beautiful you. Dreams come true only when actions are taken for it in a right way. So follow the above listed four amazing hair mask routines to get the best of olive oil hair mask benefits.

Read Next – How to Use Virgin Olive Oil for Hair Growth!

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