How to Do Hot Oil Treatment for Hair at Home?

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Our lifestyle these days has become such that it leaves us with very little time for taking care of ourselves. Irregular sleeping hours, junk food, pollution and a lot of other such factors contribute to making our skin, hair and our body overall dull. But, we need to take care of ourselves and we need to make sure that we take out time for this. Just 10-15 minutes a day are enough to hot oil treatment for hair and good care of your skin and body.

Diet is another important factor which has a huge impact on our skin and hair. Taking a proper diet at regular intervals is also very important. You should keep a check on the foods you eat. Too much oil or excessive sugar is also not good.

Thus, you need to know how to maintain a balance between your busy lifestyle and a schedule for taking care of yourself.

Hot oil treatment for hair

Taking Care of Your Hair

Taking care of your hair between haircuts is quite helpful in maintaining a healthy texture as well as a shine in the hair. While the chemical hair care products available in the market contain a lot of enriching agents which keep the hair shiny, treating them with a hot oil treatment for hair with jojoba oil, coconut oil or olive oil would help in adding an extra shine and healthy glow to the hair. It is extremely easy and fun to do.

Sometimes hair gets damaged so badly that it becomes next to impossible to repair it. This natural hair repair treatment will be very good and helpful to you for repairing your extremely damaged hair and for maintaining that natural shine in your hair forever.

Below are a few easy steps for a Do It Yourself hot oil treatment for hair at home.

Steps to Hot Oil Treatment For Hair at Home

Below are the steps to give that hot olive oil hair treatment to yourself without any hassles.

1. Buy a Good Hair Oil

You will easily find good hair oil in the market. You can buy a coconut oil, jojoba oil or olive oil for the hair treatment. Olive oil is known to be a natural moisturizing agent and helps in treating dandruff but doesn’t have protein preservation properties like coconut oil. So you can choose hair oil according to your requirement.

2. Thoroughly Wash Your Hair

The day you wish to go for the hot oil treatment for hair at homewash your hair thoroughly to make it absolutely clean. Try to avoid any kind of chemically strengthened hair-care products like any kind of hair gel, hairspray or hair mousse. It might prevent the oil from deeply penetrating into the hair follicles.

3. Make Water-Bath

Take a saucepan and boil one cup which is approximately 250 ml of water.

4. Heat The Hair Oil in a Pan

Take two tablespoons or approximately 30 ml of coconut oil or whichever oil you have bought and pour it into a small size bowl or a mug. Then place this small bowl or the mug into the water on a stove. Hot oil is very good for the hair as it helps in making them strong and shiny.

  • Add one tablespoon or 15 ml of olive oil in case you have a dry scalp or if you are suffering from dandruff.
  • Add one tablespoon or approximately 15 ml jojoba oil for all kinds of fungal scalp issues. Jojoba oil is supposed to be a naturally occurring fungicide.
  • Let the oil sit for a couple of minutes till it’s warm and not hot. You would not be able to apply hot oil onto your scalp.

5. Wet Your Hair If It’s Not Wet Already

Your hair should be just damp and not dripping with water. Just make it a little damp so that the oil penetrates deep into the hair.

6. Massage The Hot Oil Onto The Scalp With The Help of Your Fingertips Dipped in Hot Oil

Just work your way through the roots towards the ends and massages the hot oil onto the hair. This will relax your senses and would also help in cleaning the scalp thoroughly.

Let’s see How to Choose Hair Oils for Different Hair Type….

7. Now Heat a Towel With The Help of a Dryer or Even The Clothes Dryer Would Do

Just wrap your hair in a towel and let it sit for approximately 20 minutes. Alternatively, you can also place your hair under a neat and clean shower cap, a processing cap or just a simple plastic bag and sit under the heat cap or the steamer for approximately 15 to 20 minutes. You can also let the heat of your body nourish your tresses while the treatment is on.

8. Wash As Well As Rinse The Hair Thoroughly

Wash your hair thoroughly and then style them as usual. Just make sure that all the oil is removed from the hair. There is actually no harm if the oil remains on your hair but if it does, the hair would look greasy and rough. So just rinse off all the oil from the hair thoroughly. Just keep one thing in mind not to scratch your scalp while removing the oil. This will activate the oil glands making the hair even oilier.

9. Repeat This Hot Oil Treatment for Damaged Hair At Least Once a Month

It would help in protecting your hair from the protein loss and would keep them shiny, smooth and beautiful.


This is one of the best hot oil treatments. You don’t need to spend a fortune in the salon for getting this treatment done for your hair. You just need to buy a few things from the market and you can do it on your own sitting at the comfort of your home. All you need is some time and some patience to make the treatment happen. Once you know how to do hot oil treatment for hair and once it becomes a habit for you, you will never have damaged hair ever again.

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