Diet Plan for Weight Watchers To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle!

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  • Achieving an ideal body weight is always contributed by proper diet and exercise.
  • A proper, realistic and achievable diet plan will always help in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Variety in foods with balanced proportion will help in gaining the essential nutrients every day.

Weight issues have always been an inevitable headache to many people, especially if you are conscious about your health. We don’t know what to eat, when to stop and how to select food for better quality. We have a feeling that when we plan a diet for certain condition, we may have to forget our daily diet pattern and start something new with food that come from Mars or Venus. No, it’s absolutely wrong. When a diet is planned, it is always prepared in such a way that it is not hampering our daily pattern and with few healthy modifications, our goal can be achieved. If we gain our target with our daily dietary habit, then nothing like it.

Weight Watchers Diet Plan

Planning a diet for achieving ideal weight ideal body weight should be a lifetime process and not a temporary one where you can stop the plan once you achieve the goal. With this in mind, there are certain pointers that we need to consider:

  • Make a realistic plan where achieving the goal is possible.
  • Every individual is different so is the diet plan. There is no set pattern for all individuals in the universe, plans are customized and made according to the height, age, dietary habits and caloric intake.
  • Never compare with others. “How is she possible to maintain a healthy weight?”, “When will I lose weight like her?”, these thoughts turn off the process of working hard towards achieving ideal weight.
  • In addition to diet, physical activity also is equally important to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Diet plan is prepared in such a way that you can have any kind of food but that doesn’t mean you can gorge on prepackaged foods. Eating plan involves inclusion of fruits, veggies and lean protein than junk up with empty calories.

Losing weight is not a flavor less process. You don’t need to let go off favorite food in order to achieve your goal, you can keep your daily diet pattern and lose weight accordingly.

In view of the currently recommended adult body weights, the reference adult man and woman are redefined as below:

  • Reference man weighs 60kg, free from disease and physically fit for active work. He spends 8 hrs. in work and while not in work, he spends 8 hrs. in bed, 4 to 6 hrs. sitting and moving about and 2 hrs. walking and in active recreation or household duties.
  • Reference woman weighs 50 kg, free from disease, engaged 8 hrs in work, she spends 8 hrs. in bed, 4 to 6 hrs. sitting or moving around in light activity and 2 hrs. in walking or active recreation or household duties.

However ideal body weight is calculated according to ones height. If a person’s body weight goes beyond 10% according to the height, the person is said to be overweight and if the person’s body weight goes beyond 20% according to the height, the person is said to be obese.

Weight Watchers Diet Plan

Considering the pointers, the diet plan can be prepared as follows.

EARLY MORNING ( 6.30 am)

Have 3 almonds with green tea (no sugar).


Have 1 tsp. flaxseeds with a glass of lime juice (no sugar).


Have 2 dates with a glass of lime juice (no sugar).

BREAKFAST (8.30 am)

A cup of milk (no sugar).


2 sprouted legumes savory pancakes with a small bowl of yogurt.


1 set of  brown bread sandwich with 2 slices of brown bread, a tsp. of boiled and strained soya granules (can add few spices), few slices of tomatoes and cucumber


½ mixed pulses and rice dosas with tomato chutney.


slices of bread with 1 boiled egg and 1 cucumber.


1 bowl oats porridge with fresh fruits like apple, papaya and ½ banana added. (Do not Add sugar)


1 chapatti pizza with fresh tomato puree, few olives, ½ bell peppers and few pieces of tofu.


1 glass of coconut water, can add a dash of lemon juice.


1 glass low fat butter milk with 2 tsp. blanched pieces of bottle gourd.


1 medium sized fruit


1 medium bowl sprouted salad made with 2 tbsp. sprouted legumes, 1 grated carrot, and few roasted peanuts, ½ beetroot and a tinge of lemon juice.

LUNCH (1.00 PM)

1 roti ( no oil or fat added) with ½ bowl  vegetable curry, ½ cup yogurt, a small bowl rice with ½ bowl boiled dal with few slices of cucumber.


Rrotis (no oil or fat added) with 1 medium bowl vegetable curry or ½ bowl curry with legumes with few slices of tomato and ½ cup yogurt.


1 medium bowl boiled brown rice with vegetable curry, ½ cup yogurt and ½ bowl boiled dal.


1 ½ roti with fish curry (2 pieces of boiled fish pieces) and a medium bowl of cucumber, radish and tomato slices.


A glass of milk (no sugar)




sugar free fibre biscuits.


1 whole wheat fruit muffin.


A bowl of spinach and boiled corn soup.


Dhoklas with green chutney.


A small cup of fruit yogurt made of low fat yogurt With 2 tbsp. fresh fruits.


1 medium bowl puffed rice and sprouted bhel with Onions and tomatoes added and a tinge of Lemon juice.


1 small bowl whole wheat pasta with fresh Veggies like broccoli, zucchini, bell peppers And spring onions.


1 medium bowl fresh fruit salad with few additions (1 tsp.) of dry fruits.

DINNER (8.30 pm)

Rrotis with a small bowl of vegetable curry and a small bowl of vegetable salad.


1 medium bowl khichdi (made of brown rice and yellow dal) with added vegetables like carrot, peas and French beans with ½ bowl yogurt.


1 medium bowl vegetable pulao with 1 tsp. soya chunks, few vegetables like cauliflower and capsicum.


1 roti with 1 piece of chicken in chicken curry.


1 medium bowl whole some soup consisting of oats, bottle gourd, tomato, beetroot and onion and 1 tsp. boiled kidney beans.

Have ample amount of water throughout the day about 8 to 10 glasses a day.

However this weight watchers diet plan is just a sample of general diet plan, it is always advisable to go for customized diet plan that can cater to your needs and requirement. Diet and physical activity go hand in hand and need to be equal importance; your dietician can help you in chalking out a plan.

You can once in a while go in for your cravings and have a fling of fried foods or cheesy diet; you can sometimes take a break from the discipline and health but don’t go overboard. In case of queries, you can contact the website.

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