Peppermint Oil Uses – 15 Reasons You Should Have Peppermint Oil At Your Home!

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When the name ‘peppermint’ comes up, one usually thinks about the peppermint gums and mouth fresheners. Everyone is aware of the refreshing taste of a peppermint gum or a chew stick. However, this refreshing herb has found a lot of uses in other areas too. You’ll be surprised to know the peppermint oil uses.

Yes! You heard me. Peppermint is not just an aromatic herb which is used in the form of leaves or powder, or flavonoid. But there also exists an essential oil which is made with peppermint. It is usually pale yellow in color and has a number of uses in the cosmetic world as well as for health reasons.

Peppermint Oil Uses

It is excellent for the skin and the hair. Peppermint essential oil can be used for treating skin problems as well as the nourishment of the hair. And not just that, but this oil is very effective when it comes to problematic areas. Let us first dive into the mineral package list of the peppermint oil.

Here are the minerals that the peppermint oil is packed with:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin A and Vitamin C
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Potassium
  • Menthol

With such a rich collection of healthy nutrients, it is clear that this wondrous oil has a lot of benefits for us. But what are they? Here’s a list of the benefits that we can get from the peppermint oil and the reasons why you should have it at your disposal at all times.

Benefits Of Peppermint Oil

1. Brightens The Skin Colour

Peppermint oil is great for the skin and especially lightening the skin colour. If you are looking for an easy way to a brighter skin, then peppermint oil is your way to go. All you need to do is just add a few drops in your daily beauty products and you are good to go. For example, you use your face cream on a daily basis. So, when you take some cream on your palm, just add 1-2 drops of peppermint oil and mix and apply on your face. The results will show up really soon.

2. Great In Treating Skin Acne Problems

We all know how frustrating acne can be. Small, annoying zits on our face and so stubborn that nothing seems to get rid of them. However, you are lucky if you have discovered the peppermint oil in time. Peppermint essential oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. You can apply this oil over your acne for a soothing relief and regular use will also get rid of them in no time.

3. Can Work As An Effective Toner

Peppermint oil can be used in making a DIY toner at your home. All you will need is about 1/4th bottle of apple cider vinegar, 3/4th bottle of water, and a bottle of peppermint oil. Just mix all these ingredients with about 30 drops of peppermint oil in a spray bottle. Shake well and store it in the refrigerator. Use this toner all day long and you’ll be amazed how fresh your face feels.

4. Works As A Natural Face Scrub

You can also use peppermint oil for making a facial scrub at home. All you need to do is take 2 tsp of olive oil, 3 tsp of salt in a bowl. Add about 4 drops of peppermint oil in this bowl and mix well to form a scrub like mixture. Now use this as a scrub for your face in every 3 days for a healthy skin.

5. Can Be Used As A Regular Hair Oil

We all know oiling our hair every few days is important to avoid drying and brittle hair. However, some people tend to suffer from greasy scalp very soon after a hair wash. This problem can be solved if you make peppermint oil your regular hair oil. The astringent properties of this oil control the sebum secretion in the scalp which is responsible for the greasiness. Plus, the peppermint gives a soothing and cooling effect in the scalp.

6. Treats Dry Hair And Dry Scalp

Peppermint oil uses have also found their way into treating dry hair problems. Peppermint oil has really rich moisturising properties which can cure dry and brittle hair and scalp in no time. For best results, you can mix some peppermint oil with olive oil or some almond oil and massage it thoroughly onto your complete scalp. By leaving it on for about 30 minutes before washing, you can be sure to treat the dryness problem of your hair in an effective manner.

7. Controls Hair Fall

Peppermint oil can be really effective when treating the hair fall problems. This is because the peppermint oil has stimulating properties. It can dive down deeper into the hair follicles, hence making them strong and preventing the hair from breaking easily. Just try using peppermint oil massage once or twice a week to see for yourself.

8. Can Cure An Upset Stomach

And you thought peppermint oil uses were only restricted to the cosmetics. But here it is, treating your internal health problems as well. When you are facing an upset stomach or problems in digestion, using peppermint oil can give you relief in the easiest way possible. You can use it as your food dressing or can even take a tsp of it with water just after your lunch. This is aid all digestion problems for good.

9. Great Relief For Respiratory Problems

Since the peppermint oil uses usually adhere to the soothing effects, respiratory problems can be cured with the use of it. This oil contains menthol, which is a cooling agent and it is effective in clearing the respiratory tract. For other respiratory problems such as sinuses, cough and cold etc., peppermint oil can be used for instant relief. You can even rub some on your chest or simply smell it to get relief from clogged sinuses.

10. A Great Remedy For Curing Headaches

The use of Peppermint oil for headaches isn’t that surprising since now we are clear about the soothing properties of this essential oil. You just need to smell it to feel soothed and refreshed. Just take some on your palms and smell it. Not just simple headaches, but the use of peppermint oil for migraines is also not a new thing.

11. Gets Rid Of Body Pain And Stress

Had a long and tiring day? No problem. You can kick back in your bathtub by adding a few drops of this essential oil in your bath water. Or better yet, just apply some on your body and then take a bath. The cooling properties of this oil will take away all your stress and cure the body pain to help you relax and cool off.

12. Cures Nausea

Nausea is an irritating feeling and is so hard to come out of. Hardly anything works instantly to cure it. however, peppermint oil is here to the rescue again. You can apply some of the peppermint oil on your forehead. Or you can also simply smell it to feel refreshed instantly.

13. Used In Dental Care

You must have heard of peppermint as an ingredient in almost all toothpaste products. However, if your’s doesn’t have it, you can add it in the form of peppermint oil to your toothpaste before brushing your teeth. Since this oil has anti-bacterial properties, it will make sure to get rid of bad breath by killing the bacteria and helping you maintain a healthy mouth.

14. Anti-Viral In Nature

Other than being anti-bacterial, the peppermint oil is also anti-viral in nature. If you use it on a regular basis, you will be at a lesser risk of going through any kind of infections. Which is why it being also helpful when it comes to dealing with cancer.

15. Can Cure Nail Infections

As mentioned above, it is anti-viral in nature. Therefore, it can cure the nail infections when applied regularly. You can apply it in the diluted form over the nails using a cotton swab daily.

Frequently Asked Questions about Peppermint Oil Uses

1. What is peppermint oil good for?

Peppermint oil is good for various health reasons. Talk about your hair and scalp health, or your skincare, or even oral health, the peppermint oil can literally take care of anything. It is helpful in controlling hair fall and treating dry scalp. It is great in treating skin acne problems and can be used to make the skin more radiant and clearer. Other than that, it is helpful in maintaining a good dental health as well as good digestion and respiratory system. Because of its soothing properties, it can cure inflammations and relieve you of stress and pain.

2. What quantity of peppermint oil should I be using?

Peppermint oil uses are usually seen in the form of a few drops. And this is because of a reason. Since the excessive use of this oil can have allergic reactions in some people, therefore it is safe to use it in very small amounts. Usually, drops must be used as the counting value in the use of this oil.

Read more – You Will Be Surprised To Know The Benefits Of Peppermint Oil For Hair!

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