Effective Home Remedies and Tips on How to Grow Longer Eyelashes Naturally!

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The eyelashes define the beauty of your eyes and they have greater importance in making you look sexy and attractive. Only some people are fortunate enough to be born with thick and long eyelashes and the others adopt for the artificial means of using fake eyelashes, but continually using them may eventually result in thinning of already existing natural eyelashes and may also cause infections which may lead to adverse reactions like losing eyesight. Hence, you must know how to grow longer eyelashes naturally. Some women resort to applying mascara to make the eyelashes thicker and longer, but they may also damage your eyelashes. Some of them suffer from thinning of eyelashes and they may happen due to various reasons.

  • Genetics
  • Age
  • Medication
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Hormonal change
  • Infection

How to Grow Longer Eyelashes?

These are the factors affecting the growth of your eyelashes. The best way to resolve all the issues is to make the eyelashes grow longer and thicker naturally. Every individual may need different remedies for their problems. No two individuals may react in the same way to the same remedy. It may take few weeks to several months for the expected result to be achieved.

This article will help in answering the question of how to grow longer eyelashes.

How to Grow Longer Eyelashes?

The fairly common remedies for growing your eyelashes longer

1. Castor Oil

Castor Oil to Grow Longer Eyelashes

Castor Oil is a powerful follicle stimulator which helps in the growth of eyelashes. It has many nourishing factors and helps in eliminating the bacteria developing in the eyelashes, which may obstruct the growth of your eyelashes. Use castor oil for eyelash growth.

Use a cotton swab and apply castor oil to your lashes before going to bed and let it dry. In the morning wash your face with warm water. Using only the castor oil has its own benefits, but you can also add Vitamin E oil and Aloe Vera gel along with castor for better results.

You should use this for 2 to 3 months for the advantageous change to occur in your eyelashes.

2. Olive Oil

Olive Oil to Grow Longer Eyelashes

Olive Oil has many properties that help in the eyelash growth. It is rich in Vitamin E and has oleic acid, which contributes to the voluminous growth of the eyelashes. It darkens the color of the eyelashes.

The best way to use this remedy is to simply apply the olive oil to your lashes as one would apply a

mascara before going to bed and leave for the night. You can use a cotton swab or an old mascara brush to apply. Then the next day wash your eyelashes with lukewarm water. Continue this for at least 2 to 3 months to see any beneficial results.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera to Grow Longer Eyelashes

The Aloe Vera has 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 8 amino acids and 200 phytonutrients which help in the healthy growth of both your eyelashes and hair. It also gives moisture to your lashes.  You use the Aloe Vera gel by simply applying it to your lashes every day before going to bed using a cotton swab or an old mascara brush and wash it in the next morning.

You can also add 1 table of jojoba oil and 1 tablespoon of chamomile infusion with the Aloe Vera gel and apply this mixture to your lashes. Leave the mixture on your eyelashes for about 15 minutes before removing them. You should apply it twice a day and rinse it off with lukewarm water. Using Aloe Vera is one of the best answers for how to grow longer eyelashes.

4. Lemon Peels

Lemon Peels to Grow Longer Eyelashes

The lemon peels have to cleanse and stimulating properties which help in the growth of the eyelashes. The Lemon peels are rich in Vitamin B, Vitamin C, and other nutrients which enhance and promote the quicker growth of the eyelashes.

Since direct application of lemon peels in your eyelashes causes irritation, you can opt for more subtle ways. Soak the orange Peel in either castor oil or olive oil for a few days. This way the nutrients of the orange peel can be infused into the oil. Remove the orange peel from the oil and use the oil for applying in your eyelashes every day before going to bed. Rinse it off in the morning with warm water. Follow this method until you get a good result and you can even continue using this after to maintain your longer and voluminous eyelashes.

5. Natural Oils

Natural Oils to Grow Longer Eyelashes

Natural oils also help in the growth of your eyelashes. Use naturals Oils like –

  • Burdock oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Sweet almond oil
  • Linen oil
  • Sesame oil
  • Rosehip oil
  • Argan oil

And Coconut oil for eyelashes. All you need to do is to soak this oil or oil blend in a cotton swab and apply it to your eyelashes before going to bed and remove it the next day. It helps in growth of your eyelashes, nourish and moisturize your eyelashes. Natural oils are the perfect solution to the question of how to grow longer eyelashes naturally.

6. Eggs

Eggs to Grow Longer Eyelashes

Eggs are rich in protein which is an important nutrient that makes your eyelashes stronger and longer. It also contains vitamin B and biotin which promotes the texture of hair. Both white and egg yolk can be used for this purpose. Beat an egg to mix it thoroughly and apply it to your eyelashes and then wait for at least 15 minutes before washing it off with cold water.

The other natural remedies which will help in the growth of the eyelashes are –

  • Simply brushing your eyelashes also stimulates its growth by removing the dust particles present in the eyelashes.
  • Never go to bed with your eye makeup one it will severely damage your eyelashes.
  • Avoid using eyelash curlers and cheap eye makeup.
  • A healthy diet, which includes vitamins and minerals is also important for eyelashes to grow longer and thicker. In particular, vitamin A, B, C, and E, proteins, along with zinc, copper, magnesium are important for eyelash growth.

These are the natural remedies that help in the growth of eyelashes. Instead of using fake eyelashes and eye makeup, which will cause damage to your eyelashes, resorting to natural remedies is a beneficial choice. The voluminous and lustrous eyelashes will increase your beauty significantly. The article provided all the possible answers to the question of how to grow longer eyelashes.

Read more – Natural DIY Eyelash Growth Serum Recipe!

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