Who can say no to a cool buttermilk on a tiring afternoon? Well, it’s not a surprise to know that there are many people who say no to buttermilk. And why? All thanks to the modern cold drinks like coke, pepsi, 7 up and what not! But let me tell you the impact the cold drinks will have on your health if consumed regularly is very adverse. On the other hand, consuming buttermilk everyday after meals will give you enormous Benefits that you probably aren’t even aware of! If you too are one among those whose favorite afternoon cooling drink are the cold drinks, then this article is for you! I have listed down some amazing benefits of buttermilk that you have never heard before! These top benefits of buttermilk will convince you to switch to natural cooling drink – buttermilk and bid adieu to the cool drinks that contain carbon! Read on!
Before we move on to the benefits of buttermilk, let us know what is buttermilk and how is it used in different ways. This inclusion is exclusively for those who are not very familiar with the buttermilk and its usage.
What Is Buttermilk?
Most of the people confuse buttermilk as the mixture which is a blend of butter and milk. Now that’s a myth! Buttermilk is a derivative that is derived in the process of butter making. It is churned from the milk by adding some spoons of natural yogurt to it.
How to Make Buttermilk?
For making buttermilk from milk, you need to heat the milk to the lukewarm extent. Make sure that the milk is not over hot. This is very important as using hot milk will not help in making buttermilk. Add 4 to 5 spoons of yogurt to this. Close it with a small plate or a lid and let it stay for about 5 to 6 hours for best results. What you get from this is pure curd. And to this mixture, you will have to add some water and voila! Your buttermilk is ready! That is how simple it is! All you need is some pure curd to get started!
What Are The Different Ways of Consuming Buttermilk?
1. Plain Buttermilk
This is the most basic form of consuming buttermilk. All you have to do is to add some extra water to it and add a pinch of salt to one glass of buttermilk. Salt may be added as per your preference. Consuming this every day after lunch will have incredible benefits which are listed in this article further.
2. Spiced Up Buttermilk
For this, you will have to add cumin powder, ginger, pepper, curry leaves, salt etc to the buttermilk. To make the process easy add it in a bottle and then close the cap of the bottle and shake it well until all the ingredients are blended well. This one is an all time favorite to many families in India who consume it almost everyday.
Now that you know two simple ways of consuming buttermilk, let us now move on to the benefits of buttermilk! These incredible benefits of buttermilk will convince you to drink this natural cool drink everyday! No much ado! Read on!
Amazing Benefits of Buttermilk You Never Heard Before!
1. Helps in Washing Off The Oily Food
Many people feel bloated after their afternoon meal. The reasons behind this bloated belly could be many. One of the most common reasons being the oil extracts of your meal would get deposited on the food pipe and other digestive organs. This oil will make you feel heavier and bloats your stomach. Not to worry! Buttermilk is the best rescue.
Buttermilk has properties that can wash down these oils and fat which are lined on the inner walls of stomach and food pipe. If you’ve been very observant you would have noticed that after having a heavy meal, you will feel drowsy and lazy. Now you know what to do right? One glass of buttermilk is all it takes. Besides, the other ingredients that you would add the coriander leaves, pepper, cumin seeds etc. will do the magic too! They will wash down the oiliness in your food pipe and will prevent you from being sluggish after a heavy meal! Try it out now!
2. Rich Calcium Provider
Many people tend to get confused that buttermilk has loads of calories and fat in it which makes it a weight gaining product. That is not true! Buttermilk has lesser fat than a normal glass of whole milk. For the persons who are lactose intolerant (that is the people who naturally avoid milk or refrain from drinking milk), buttermilk is no less than a boon! It will not be having any adverse impact or side effects as the lactose of the milk will be converted into lactic acid.
All thanks to the healthy bacteria! Thus buttermilk is a rich source of calcium. This calcium supports the contraction of muscles and also aids in building strong muscles. Calcium also helps in aiding the new bone development. Thus if you are having weak muscles or weak bones, look out for buttermilk right way! The easiest way of intaking calcium see!
3. Benefits of Buttermilk For Constipation Problems
Constipation is one of the most annoying problems to many people. It is running late for your work and you are caught up in your bathroom trying to excrete! Yikes right? No worries! You should probably be hunting for buttermilk. Buttermilk is a natural therapy that can comfort the ballooning effect of the stomach and thus prevents constipation. It also expands the muscles of the excretory system thus helping in the easy movement of the fecal matter.
Consuming buttermilk will ease the bowel movements and thus facilitates easy excretion. So next time you are caught up in your bathroom for a very long time trying hard to excrete, look for buttermilk. You will be surprised at how fast it can actually work!
4. Factory of Essential Macro-Nutrients
Buttermilk is more or less a complete food. It is rich in essential macro-nutrients like the proteins, lipids, vitamins, carbohydrates and also good enzymes which make it a complete food. The best part is that it can be consumed anytime anywhere. Also as there is abundant water content in the buttermilk it also helps in maintaining an adequate water balance in your body. It is absorbed by the intestines to digest it and extract the proteins from it. Thus if you want to grab some essential macro-nutrients very quickly and easily, know about benefits of buttermilk!
5. Rich Source of Vitamins
Although buttermilk looks like a normal drink with less nutritive value, the nutritive value it has got is huge! What you see is not what you get right? Buttermilk can be said as a factory of vital vitamins like the vitamin D and Vitamin B. This makes it an easy medicine to overcome anemia and weakness. Vitamin D that is abundant in buttermilk strengthens your immune system.
Thus consumption of buttermilk on a regular basis will keep you at bay from various infections. All those expensive treatments that you may have to take due to infections can be easily avoided by drinking buttermilk. Costs less but works best!
6. Cooling Effects for Women During Periods
Periods are the times when the body of women is heated the most. This excessive heat will cause irritation in women, menstrual cramps etc. In order to lessen this heating effects, the best way is to consume buttermilk while on periods. It has incredible cooling effects and will relieve you from various kinds of menstrual cramps. This does not apply to only women. Even for men who have a very high metabolic rate and whose body temperature is generally high, that may lead to a headache, mood swings, irritation etc, buttermilk will do the trick! Even if you are the very busy person who has tight packed schedules you can carry buttermilk in bottles and consume it after your meal. It will naturally cool your body! Why just your body? Your moods too!
7. Part Ways With Dehydration
Buttermilk is a tested therapy to fight against dehydration. It contains loads of electrolytes which helps on hydrating the body. The added spices and salt to the buttermilk will increase the impact of the electrolytes. Especially during the days of summer when most of the people suffer from problems of dehydration, buttermilk is the best solution! Drinking it after meals is the best way you can part ways with dehydration. Also, the general uneasiness that is found due to the scorching sun in the summer can be avoided by drinking buttermilk.
8. Improves Digestion
Buttermilk has the good amount of acid that works against the bacteria and helps to clear the stomach. It aids in digestion directly by acting on the digestive enzymes. Besides the other condiments that are added to the buttermilk like the ginger, garlic, pepper, cumin seeds etc. are all excellent in aiding the digestion process. They are all carminative substances that help to release gas from the stomach.
Cold drinks like Coke and Pepsi too release gases but the difference is that the gases they release are not just the excess gases of the digestive enzymes but also some extra carbon that comes in the drink! That is not the case when it comes to buttermilk! Now you know why you burp so much when you drink cold drinks! Right?
9. Helps in Building The Body Mass
Buttermilk is a rich source of protein. Most of us are probably not aware that every cell in our bodies is comprised of proteins. The tissues of our bodies are largely dependent on the proteins for repairing damage by themselves. Our bodies have the capacity to repair themselves while we are asleep. But for that what is vital is that there should be the considerable amount of proteins that aids the process of repairing. Buttermilk is rich in proteins that are essential for building the muscles of the body. Now you know why bodybuilders drink so much buttermilk!
10. Buttermilk As a Beauty Ingredient
Yes! Heard us right! Buttermilk is not just a relieving drink after a tiring afternoon but also can act as a beauty ingredient. Buttermilk, when mixed with turmeric and applied on the skin, does wonders for your skin by adding a natural glow. It is also included in many of the beauty products and cosmetics. You would have definitely noticed lactic acid as a content on the ingredients column of a cosmetic if you are a keen observer. And what is lactic acid? It is an acid that is found in buttermilk. It also helps in having a smoother shinier hair. Want to know how? Shocking right? Simple yet effective! Here’s how!
You would require 2 egg whites and a small glass of buttermilk to get started. Add 2 egg whites to a bowl. Make sure that the yolk is not included in this mixture. Now add one cup of plain buttermilk to this and blend them together. Apply this mixture on your scalp and to your hour from the roots till the tips. Let it dry for sometime and after 2 to 3 hours you can wash it off with the mild shampoo. Be very careful when you apply this mixture and you can use a shower cap to avoid the irritation. It can get quite messy while applying so don’t forget to use a towel. Repeat doing this for at least 3 weeks for best results! Works wonders for dry and frizzy hair! Check it out now!
Those were some amazing benefits of buttermilk. This healthy drink which is often given a back seat by us really needs to be given some attention due to the enormous benefits it offers. The best part being all these benefits of buttermilk at such a low cost! All it requires is some consistency in following it. Following for a couple of days and later totally forgetting about it is of no use. For buttermilk to show wonders you will have to give it some time. Be patient and you will be surprised with the results. A drink that is not just a relief on a summer day but also a solution to many of your cues on health.Time to consider adding buttermilk to your diet regime. What are you waiting for? Buttermilk is not bitter see!
Thanks for the information, I will try buttermilk tomorrow.