How To Reduce Belly Fat With Weight Loss Drinks?

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When exercise stops showing results, crash diets make you anorexic, and ‘how to reduce belly fat’ is the only question running through your mind, it is a clear indication that you should give your body the goodness of a healthy weight loss drink to burn stomach fat.

In today’s times, the number of people with the question of how to reduce belly fat are increasing and so is the size of their waistline, which is a direct signal of a dire need to burn tummy fat. This means that to ensure good health in the coming times of your life, you need to burn tummy fat and make it a point to walk down the road of health and goodness.

Fret not! For making a homemade healthy weight loss drink to burn belly fat, you do not need to do a lot of hard work. We tell you the easy way out!

Reduce belly fat

How to Make a Healthy Weight Loss Drink to Reduce Belly Fat Fast?

  • 1 large Broccoli flower
  • 1 Cucumber
  • A bunch of Romaine lettuce
  • 5-6 stalks of Asparagus
  • 2 Tomatoes
  • ½ cup of Coconut water

Procedure to Make the Tummy Fat Burner Drink

  • Take a large broccoli flower and break it down to small florets. Check for impurities in between the florets, and clean thoroughly.
  • Take a cucumber and peel it. Chop into rough chunks.
  • Take the Romaine lettuce bunch and wash it thoroughly with cold water
  • Take the Asparagus and wash the spears under cool water and ensure that there is no grit. Snap off the bottom where the woody portion ends and tender stem of the asparagus begins.
  • Take the ripe and juicy tomatoes and put them in hot water for 2-3 minutes. Then quickly put them in ice water. Peel off the skin of the tomatoes and slice it into halves.
  • Take a tender and green fresh coconut and extract fresh water out of it.
  • Add the vegetables in the blender and add coconut water accordingly to adjust and acquire a juice like consistency.

You can enjoy this healthy drink in this form or pass it through a sieve, for a finer and smoother consistency.

Do you want to learn quick and super healthy recipes for weight loss? Read More…

When and How Much of This Weight Loss Drink Should You Consume?

Dieticians and nutritionists suggest that all the nutrients are best absorbed by the body, in the first half of the day, especially in the morning. So intake of this juice in the morning as the first thing is advised as it will kick-start your metabolic activity at a fast and powerful note, speeding up and initiating the weight shedding process. This will lead to the burning of calories around the fat in your belly.

However, care should be taken regarding asparagus and broccoli as it is an ingredient that not everyone is compatible with. If you are prone to allergic reactions and rashes please consult your physician.

Benefits of This Weight Loss Drink to Lose Fat Around Your Belly

  • Broccoli wins hands down for being the ultimate diet food, thanks to its high water content and fibrous properties, it keeps you fuller for longer time period.
  • Cucumber works like a miracle diuretic as it not only helps in shedding the water weight of your body but also in breaking down fat cells.
  • Make Romaine Lettuce an integral part of your salads, as it is full of Folate, Vitamin C, and Chromium that promotes fast weight loss.
  • Asparagus works as a great soluble fibre and has been shown to suppress hunger pangs and give a fuller feeling, keeping mid-meal munching at bay, aiding you on how to reduce belly fat.
  • Tomatoes being a favourite fat fighting food, cleanse and detoxify the internal system making the fat burning process obstruction free and smooth. It helps in the reversal of leptin resistance that spends up the metabolic activity immediately.
  • Coconut water bring rich in potassium and natural mineral helps in conversion of fat into lean muscle, limits the scope of weight gain by being a healthy and organic alternative to sweetly packaged drinks.

Folks! It’s time to get up and get going to make the healthy weight loss drink, that will take you that extra mile to help you lose fat around the waist. With regular exercise, a balanced diet, and proper rest this drink is guaranteed to help you on the issue of how to reduce belly fat fast.

Let us know how did the drink taste? Do you see changes in your waistline and gain benefit from our health drink? Lets us know your weight loss experience in the comments section. Also, please share this useful piece of information with your friends and family in social media.

Have a good day!

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