Best Essential Oils For Colds : Instant Relief From Cold Using Essential Oils!

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There is a saying that cold lasts for 7 days if it is treated and for a week it not.

We all know that there is no cure for cold or flu. You have to let it run its course. But what we CAN do, is to make it run faster. Meaning, help our body to deal with the symptoms and expedite the healing process.

There is no dearth for home remedies for common cold. There are no medications to cure a cold. But there are many of nature’s treasure to clear your blocked nose or soothe the scratchy throat.

So, in this article, we are going to see how to use essential oils for colds.

Best Essential Oils for Cold

Benefits Of Essential Oils For Colds

  • It is definitely a better alternative to medications.
  • It helps you to relax and gives the rest you desperately require.
  • Certain essential oils can help in reducing fever and even treat viral infections.
  • The properties of the herbs are easily extracted into the oils and the benefits are transferred to the body effectively.
  • Many essential oils have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating properties.

Let’s move on to see what essential oils are good for colds.

What Kind Of Essential Oil Is Good For A Cold?

The best essential oils for colds are:

  • Lavender Oil
  • Chamomile Oil
  • Bergamot Oil
  • Sandalwood Oil
  • Eucalyptus Oil
  • Peppermint Oil
  • Cedarwood Oil
  • Frankincense Oil
  • Tea Tree Essential Oil
  • Marjoram Essential Oil

Home Remedies With Essential Oils For Colds

Cold may be common, but the experience is not pleasant. It tires you down and hinders in way of daily routine. The best medicine for cold is rest and fluids. Along with that, using the best essential oils will make you feel comfortable and relaxed.

There are many home remedies that you can pamper yourself with using essential oil. Read further and get to know what essential oils are good for colds and how to use them.

1. For Massaging Chest And Throat

Massaging the throat and chest with essential oils helps to loosen the mucus and clear out the lungs. It is a good remedy for a cough and feels really good for the troubled throat.

Essential Oil to use:

  • Cedarwood and Frankincense best essential oils for a cough remedy. Other oils that can be used are Peppermint and Cypress.
  • Applying a combination of Peppermint and Tea tree essential oil directly on throat gives immense relief.

2. Essential Oil For Sinus

Congestion due to sinus is an unpleasant experience. If not taken care of, it can lead to Sinus headaches. Try these essential oils for nasal congestion.

  • Use Cedarwood or Tea Tree essential oil and gentle massage near the nostrils. Make sure the oil does not come in contact with the eyes or mucous membranes.
  • In case of a runny nose, try combining few drops of Peppermint or Lavender Oil with coconut oil and rub it on the nose.
  • Using Peppermint or Lavender oil to massage the sinuses before bed, will help you breathe better and get good sleep.

3. Essential Oil Along With Steam Inhalation

Steaming is very good for clearing the airways. It helps to moisturize the nasal passages and bring relief to the sinuses. When steaming is combines with specific essential oils, the benefits are more.

  • Add few drops of Lavender, Marjoram essential oil along with few drops of lemon to steaming water. Deeply inhaling this steam will break down congestion and relieve sinus headaches.
  • Combining few drops of Marjoram, Lavender, Cedarwood and Peppermint Essential Oil in a steaming water and inhaling slowly proves to be a good remedy for a cough and post nasal drips.

4. Inhaling The Essential Oil Directly

This easy method can be followed when steaming water is not available. For instance, during travel, or at the workplace.

  • Take a handkerchief or a tissue and put 3-6 drops of Lime, Lemon or Peppermint Essential oil in it. Inhale once in a while restricting to 3-4 times a day.

5. Have A Relaxing Bath With Essential Oils

A warm bath is just what you need when feeling sick with cold and congestion. Adding essential oils to your bath feels so relaxing and comfortable.

  • Add a combination of any of the following essential oils up to 10 drops in your warm bath water along with liquid soap or shampoo.
    • Tea Tree
    • Geranium
    • Lavender
    • Thyme
    • Lemon
  • Soak in for at least 10 minutes and enjoy the aroma and blissful sensation. You will feel the rejuvenated and relaxed.

6. Essential Oils With Compressors

Using compressors help in relieving the symptoms of a cough, cold and related headaches. Adding essential oils to the compressor gives a soothing effect and relaxes the body.

  • Essential Oils such as Cedarwood, Marjoram, Tea Tree, Peppermint, Thyme, and Lavender can be used.
  • Just mix two drops of any of the essential oil to warm water. Mix thoroughly and soak the compress into the water.
  • Squeeze the compress and apply on the forehead, over the nose, throat or on the chest. Leave it for at least 30 minutes.

Precautions To Be Taken When Using Essential Oils For Cold.

  • Diluting essential oils with a carrier oil is advisable especially for sensitive skins. Coconut oil, Olive oil, Almond oil are good carrier oils.
  • Do not inhale the fragrance for a prolonged time as it may lead to nausea, headache or dizziness.
  • For pediatric use, check with your doctor before using on the children.
  • Do not use the essential oils internally.
  • Pregnant women should not use essential oils without consulting their doctor.

Some Common Questions About The Common Cold

1. How do I know if I have a cold or a fever?

While flu and cold symptoms may be similar, if you have fever or chills, cough with a  sore throat, body ache and fatigue, it is mostly flu. Cold has milder symptoms than flu such as a runny nose or a stuffy nose.

2. How do I get cold?

The main carrier is the rhinovirus. It enters into your body via mouth, eyes or nose. It spreads when anyone sneezes, coughs or even talks through droplets in the air.

3. How long does a cold last?

While the symptoms start 3 days after exposure to the virus, it can last anywhere between 1 to 2 weeks.

4. How does a cold spread to other people?

Cold spreads mainly through

  • skin by hugging, shaking hands etc.
  • Saliva by kissing, sharing drinks or food etc.
  • Touching the infected things lime towels, blankets, doorknob etc.
  • Through air by coughing sneezing etc.

5. How can I treat cold sores?

You can apply any of the following essential oils for cold sores :

  • Tea tree oil
  • Peppermint oil
  • Sandalwood oil

Mix few drops of these essential oils for cold sores with a carrier oil and apply directly on the spot.

Well, being sick just means that your body is demanding rest and asking you to slow down and take some time for yourself.  Having a nasty cold can be unpleasant and so what other better way than to indulge yourself in the soothing and relaxing essential oils for colds? Enjoy the moment of bliss when you can finally breathe through your nose again after having a cold!

Read Next – Effective Top 10 Home Remedies for Cold!

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